
Infection prevention and control module.

Infection prevention and control module.


Q1. There has been an outbreak of enteric infection (diarrhoea and vomiting) in the workplace.
With reference to infection prevention and control theory critically discuss the challenges of managing this. You need to consider:
•    The nature of a specific micro-organism and how the infection may have happened
•    All infection prevention and control measures that are involved in managing this outbreak and preventing its spread
•    The organisational issues that underpin infection prevention and control policy and practice in Hong Kong.
Q2. Surveillance data has shown an increase in the numbers of patients with surgical site infections
With reference to infection prevention and control theory critically discuss the challenges of managing this. You need to consider:
•    The nature of a specific micro-organism and how the infection may have happened
•    All infection prevention and control measures that are involved in the risks and consequent prevention of  SSIs (you may consider the ward, operating theatre or community implications)
•    The organisational issues that underpin infection prevention and control policy and practice in Hong Kong.

The word limit is 3000 words (+/- 10%) anything over this will not be marked

Remember you should be looking at evidence-based practice. Use the literature to find reference to support your statements. Really look carefully at the practice – say what you think could be done to improve practice and suggest strategies as to how the improvements might be achieved. If you are describing practice use your own words but remember to support these with references from the literature. Similarly, when you are suggesting changes you must use your own words but remember to support these with references from the literature. If you wish to comment on the value of a guideline or protocol you can include a photocopy in the appendix if you think this would aid the reader but remember to ensure that no hospital or staff names can be included so please blank these out.

If you wish to quote from any guidance or research please ensure that you use quotation marks and properly attribute the work to the author. If you do not do this it will be considered as plagiarism and the work will not be marked.

Taken from the Learning Outcomes – and should be included in the essay
Microbiology/pathogenesis (including the chain of infection)
Standard precautions
Organisation of infection control, people, policies and procedures
Audit and surveillance and risk management
IP&C impact on clinical practice and care of patients/clients
What evidence underpins your discussion?

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