For this Interaction Paper, you will continue to convey your understanding of the issues that cause conflict and the methods/resources currently being used to resolve those conflicts in specific contests.
Choose 1 topic area from the list below. Special permission to choose and write on a topic not included on the list may be secured from the instructor of the class.
Area 2 topics require the analysis of conflict by applying theory to a particular situation. Your interaction paper should:
1. Define the context of the conflict, providing relevant history and limitations of study. 2. Examine major issues of conflict and their causes in that context (identifiable from the literature). 3. Review communication methodologies used to resolve issues in the context. 4. Make recommendations for effective strategies to consider in resolving the conflict. 5. Make any recommendations for further study of the problem and/or solutions presented.
Area 2 Topics
For your topic, you may use either a topic or a book from the list below. If you choose a book, you must read the entire book and analyze the specific conflict detailed within.
• International Conflict resolution: Any historical conflict between nations or culture groups • German-Turk conflict • Arab-Israeli conflict • Conflict in the church • Family Conflicts • Dealing with a specific multicultural conflict: e.g., Israeli/Palestinian, Catholics/Protestant in Ireland, • Dealing with any protestant group and Catholic persecution during the reformation • Forgiveness in marital infidelity • Kent State Riots • Gay Pride/Soul Force on Christian Campus • Anabaptists and War • Obama and Socialized Medicine • Temperance • The anatomy of a church dispute • Conflict in Marital Relationships
Books • Forgiveness by John L. Ruth • After the Heavy Rain by Sokreaksa S. Himm • Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot • Shantung Compound The Story of Men and Women under Pressure by Langdon Gilkey • Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed: The Story of the Village of LeChambon and How Goodness Happened There by Philip Hallie
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