Interaction Paper from the chapter of 2 books
Required Textsbooks: Rhode, Deborah L., ed. 2006. Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass. Badaracco, Joseph L. Jr. 1997. Defining moments: When managers must choose between right and right. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. The following journal article will also be required reading. McCoy, Bowen H. 1997:
the assignments described below are required and must be submitted by the deadlines specified or be subject to a grade reduction. Papers must be in APA format with Please good grammar punctuation and spelling.
Interaction Papers: Each week students will submit an ”Interaction Paper” (see page 8) ~• for each of the chapters to be discussed that night. One for each of the 9 chapters in Defining ‘4 Moments and one for each of the 13 chapters in Moral Leadership. These must be word >. Processed and will be used for class discussion on these chapters.
MGMT 521 Decision Making and Ethics Date: 4/14/2015 11.A.M. from Chapter: 3&4 Ethical Judgment Required Textbooks: Rhode, Deborah L., ed. 2006. Moral leadership: The theory and practice of power, judgment, and policy. San Francisco:
MGMT 521 Decision Making and Ethics Date: 4/14/2015 11.A.M. from Chapter:3
Required Textsbooks: Jossey-Bass. Badaracco, Joseph L. Jr. 1997. Defining moments: When managers must choose between right and right. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. The following journal article will also be required reading. McCoy, Bowen H. 1997:
MGMT 521 Interaction Paper Decision Making and Ethics
1. Major Message: What is the major message of the chapter?
2. Key Words: Give a few key words or terms (and their meanings) the author of the chapter may have used to support the Major Message as you understand it to be. Give the page number where found.
3. Key Sentences: Give several key sentences, phrases or quotes that support the Major Message. Again, for the purpose of class discussion, give the page number where found.
4. Main Idea Reflection: What comments do you have about the author’s main message of this chapter? Explain! Do you agree or disagree on any point(s) in particular, for class discussion. This should be answered in your own words and not plagiarized.
5. Applications/ Examples: Relate this chapter’s message to yourself and your organization, personalize it, and give examples of how these concepts are employed now or how they could be employed in your organization and what happens or would happen if they were. This should be answered in your own words. NOTE: This is not a “FORM” to fill in the blanks with your answers but a
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