
Internet Field Trip Research Paper

Internet Field Trip Research Paper

Assignment #2: Internet Field Trip Research: Research at least six (6) information sources on forecasting methods; take notes and record and interpret significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view.Preparation: Produce as storyboard with thumbnails of at least ten (10) slides. Include the following elements: Title of slide, text, background color, placement & size of graphic, fonts color, size, type for text and headingsHyperlinks (list URLs of any site linked from the slide), narration text, and audio files (if any)Number on slides clearLogical sequence to the presentation Content: Provide written content with the following elements: introduction that presents the overall topic (clear sense of the projects main idea) and draws the audience into the presentation with compelling questions or by relating to the audiences interests or goals.accurate, currentclear, concise, and shows logical progression of ideas and supporting informationmotivating questions and advanced organizersdrawn mainly from primary sources Text Elements: Slides should have the following characteristics: fonts are easy-to-read; point size that varies appropriately for headings and textitalics, bold, and indentations enhance readabilitybackground and colors enhance the readability of textappropriate in length for the target audience; to the point Layout: The layout should have the following characteristics: visually pleasingcontributes to the overall messageappropriate use of headings, subheadings and white space Media: The graphics, sound, and/or animation should assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationshipshave original images that are created using proper size and resolution; enhance the contenthave a consistent visual theme. Citations: The sources of information should: properly cited so that the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presentedbe properly formatted according to APA style The assignment will be graded using the associated rubric. Grading Rubric for Assignment # 2 Internet Field Trip There are 8 possible points for each of the 5 criteria,so that the total number of points is 40 points. Criteria0 Unacceptable (0 points)1 Developing (4 points)2 Competent (6 points)3 Exemplary (8 points) 1. a) Research: Showed research of at least six (6) information sources; take notes and record and interpret significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view. b) Preparation: Produced storyboard with thumbnails of 10 slides with these elements: (1) Title of slide, text, background color, placement & size of graphic, fonts, color (2) size, type for text and headings (3) Hyperlinks (list URLs of any site linked from the slide), narration text, and audio files (if any) (4) Number on slides clear (5) Logical sequence to the presentationDid not submit or note cards showed insufficiently completed research from two (2) or fewer information sources. Insufficiently recorded and interpreted facts, graphics, sounds, or did not evaluate alternate points of view. Did not submit or produced insufficiently developed storyboard with thumbnails of one (1) to five (5) slides with one (1) to Two (2) required elements. Fulfilled with less than 70% accuracy, quality, and thoroughness.Note cards showed partially completed research from at least three (3) information sources; recorded and interpreted some acceptable facts, some appropriate graphics, sounds and sufficiently evaluated alternative points of view. Produced partially developed storyboard with thumbnails of at least six (6) or seven (7) slides with three (3) of the (5) required elements. Fulfilled with 70 79% accuracy, quality, and thoroughness.Note cards showed sufficiently completed research from at least four (4) or five (5) information sources; recorded and interpreted acceptable facts, appropriate graphics, accurate sounds, and sufficiently evaluated alternative points of view. Produced sufficiently developed storyboard with thumbnails of at least eight (8) slides with four (4) of the (5) required elements. Fulfilled with 80 89% accuracy, quality, and thoroughness.Note cards showed fully completed research from at least six (6) information sources; recorded and interpreted significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds, and fully evaluated alternative points of view. Prepared fully developed storyboard with thumbnails of at least 10 slides with all five (5) required elements. Fulfilled with 90 100% accuracy, quality, and thoroughness. 2. Content: Provided content with (1) attention-getting introduction, (2) content that is accurate and current (3) clear, concise, and shows logical progression of ideas, (4) supporting information motivating questions and advanced organizers, (5) taken from primary sourcesDid not submit or provided insufficiently developed introduction and content with two (2) or fewer of required elements included. Addressed with less than 70% accuracy, motivation, logic, support, and research.Provided partially developed introduction and content with three (5) of five (5) required elements included. Addressed with 70-79% accuracy, motivation, logic, support, and research.Provided sufficiently developed introduction and content with four (4) of five (5) required elements included. Addressed with 80-89% accuracy, motivation, logic, support, and research.Provided excellent and fully developed introduction and content with all five (5) required elements included. Addressed with 90-100% accuracy, motivation, logic, support, and research. 3. Text Elements: (1) fonts are easy-to-read; (2) point size that varies appropriately for headings, and text (3) italics, bold, and indentations enhance readability, (4) background and colors enhance the readability of text, (5) appropriate in length for the target audience; (6) to the point (7) Applied correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and (8) APA style.Did not submit or did not demonstrate acceptable use of the text elements. Issues with text elements prevented effective communication of message. Had 8 + errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and APA style.Demonstrated acceptable use of 4 5 text elements. Text elements provided some helpful support to the communication of the message. Had 6 7 errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and APA style. Fulfilled with 70 79% quality and accuracy.Demonstrated sufficient use of 6 7 of the text elements. Text elements provided sufficient support to the communication of the message. Had no 3 5 errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and APA style. Fulfilled with 80 89% quality and accuracy.Demonstrated excellent use of all 8 text elements. Text elements provided outstanding support to the communication of the message. Had 0 2 errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and APA style. Fulfilled with 90 100% quality and accuracy. 4. Layout: The layout of the message demonstrated these characteristics: (1) visually pleasing;(2) contributed to the overall message; had (3) appropriate headings, (4) subheadings, (5) and white spaceDid not submit or the layout of the message was not acceptable and did not support communication of the message sufficiently. Layout did not include enough of the five (5) of the layout characteristics.The layout of the message was acceptable and supported communication of it to some extent. Layout included three (3) of the five (5) of the layout characteristics. Fulfilled with 70 79% quality and accuracy.The layout of the message was good and supported communication of it sufficiently. Layout included four (4) of the five (5) of the layout characteristics. Fulfilled with 80 89% quality and accuracy.The layout of the message was excellent and supported communication of it very well. Layout included all five (5) of the layout characteristics. Fulfilled with 90 100% quality and accuracy. 5. Media: The media should include these characteristics: (1) graphics, sound, and/or animation that assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships; (2) have original images; graphics are created using proper size and resolution; enhance the content; (3) have a consistent visual theme.Did not submit or the media used were unacceptable and did not meet the requirements.Provided media that were acceptable and met only one (1) of the three (3) characteristics. Fulfilled with 70 79% quality and accuracy.Provided media that were sufficient and met two (2) of the three (3) characteristics. Fulfilled with 80 89% quality and accuracy.Provided media that were excellent and met all three (3) of the characteristics. Fulfilled with 90 100% quality and accuracy.

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