
Is education the most important step in developing a country

is education the most important step in developing a country?

Order Description

The paper, excluding the title page and the Works Cited page, should be between three and five full pages (1,000+ words).
The essay should incorporate three (3) to five (5) sources. Two of these sources must be from GALILEO databases. You may not use Wikipedia, About, etc. as one of your sources. GALILEO databases provide the best secondary sources.
Follow the MLA format for parenthetical citation and Works Cited pages as presented in class.
Remember that even one occurrence of plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, results in a failing grade, so be very accurate with your documentation. Document or set up a chain of knowledge for all sentences that contain quotes, paraphrases, and summaries.
Follow the documents provided through the library for the MLA format for GALILEO aAs you know, the research paper is to be three to five complete pages long. Because of the length, you need to have more than five paragraphs. If you do only a total of five paragraphs, all of the paragraphs will have to be long and will lose their focus. Remember that a paper does not have to have five paragraphs in order to be an essay. It can have four, six, seven, eight, etc., paragraphs. Aim for at least six paragraphs, but you can have more. So the question arises, how do you create six or more paragraphs?
• The introduction and conclusion count as 2 paragraphs.
• Look back at the Argument Research Paper Outline document in the Week 5 module. You will see that both outlines contained in this document show you how to structure this paper with six or more paragraphs.
• Note that you must include your opponent’s arguments in your paper. The outlines referenced above show you how to do this step.
• Put research into each body paragraph. Have a sentence that sets up the research, give the research with a parenthetical citation, and then have a sentence or two that explains how the research proves the point of the paragraph. This step is one of the most important in a research paper. Having the sentence or two that explains how the research proves your point is what takes your paper to a higher level.
• You can have research in the introduction and conclusion, but be sure to use it in your body paragraphs.

nd Web pages to set up your Works Cited page.
Correct grammar, spelling, and strong content are also very important and thus are factored into the grade.

Argument Research Paper

I. Introduction with a thesis, which takes a stand, as the last sentence.

II. Opponent’s arguments, transitional sentence

III. Topic sentence that states your 1st argument, specific details (evidence) to support your argument, statements to show how the evidence proves your point of this paragraph, clincher

IV. Transition, topic sentence that states your 2nd argument, specific details (evidence) to support your argument, statements to show how the evidence proves your point of this paragraph, clincher

V. Transition, topic sentence that states your 3rd argument, specific details (evidence) to support your argument, statements to show how the evidence proves your point of this paragraph, clincher

VI. Transition, conclusion (predict the future, urge readers to act, sum up your paper)

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