Issued in Education
Issued in Education
4-6 pages double space
2 citation needs, there are 5 aspects can choose the topic and the citation from
a)history+identity in education
b)lecture+active learning
d)student life
e)non-credit courses
For your essay, you need to “enter the conversation” using at least two readings.
Your essay should respond to the issue(s) presented and present an argument that
you will develop through your essay. Make sure you engage with the readings and
do than summarize. Evaluate, analyze, and criticize the issues and arguments
presented in order to set up your response and argument.
Be sure to do the following:
Develop a clear thesis that expresses the main point(s) of your argument
Explore the ideas of the readings you choose through quotations,
paraphrasing, summarizing.
Make connections between the readings and your argument to create a
Consider likely counterarguments and offer a rebuttal.
Don’t assume your reader knows the readings you’ve chosen. Be thorough in
your presentation of the ideas, reasoning, arguments presented in those
Length: 4-6 typed pages
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