Java JSP assignment
Project 1. Manage Stages for a Training Session
You need to create a database called training that contains two tables: member and
The member table has five fields: member_id, username, password, stage_number,
practice_number, where the member_id field has the auto-increment integer values used as
the primary key.
The page_visit table has three fields: browser_id, browser_name, hit, where the
browser_id field has the auto-increment integer values used as the primary key. You need to count
the number of hits for the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, Others.
Users’ interface
Based on your own understanding, you design your users’ interface. The basic requirement is: If your UI
supports all the features in this project.
When a member comes to the web application, a sign-in page is displayed. The member has to sign in
to access the training page.
When a member fails the sign-in step, you do not have to show any error message. After the member
passes the sign-in step, you display the main training page.
After the member passes the login step, you check the browser type of the member and do the
counting and update the table.
The main training page could be very simple, just list all stages in the training session, and all the
stages the current member has passed should be clearly marked. The username of the member
should be displayed on top of the page.
There is a training button on the main training page. When the member clicks it, the corresponding
training material is sent to the member for downloading.
In this project, you need to develop a web application to manage members’ training stages during a
training session. When a member signs in at this web application, there are four stages listed, and the
member’s finished stages are marked. When the member clicks the training button, the training
material will be provided for the next training stage until the member completes the whole training
CS4010 Fall 2015: Project 1. Manage Stages for a Training Session…
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The four training materials are all binary files. The first three are PDF files, and the last one is a JAR
file. They are stored on the server.
When a member clicks the training button, try to open a new browser window or tab for the material to
be downloaded, so that after the download, you can close the window or tab to go back to the system.
When you refresh the page, the member’s current status is updated.
There is a sign-out button or link on the main training page. When a member clicks it, the session is
destroyed, and it returns to the sign-in page.
Programming Requirements
1. Use a session to store the member’s information.
2. You use a servlet to handle the binary files for the training materials.
3. Use JSPs to display the login page and the main training page.
If you can submit the project by the planed deadline, you get extra 1% credit; otherwise, you have one more
week for extension.
==========The End==========
CS4010 Fall 2015: Project 1. Manage Stages for a Training Session…
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