
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act 1974

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act 1974

Order Description

This is for Social Welfare and Policies class

Problem, Policy, and Program Paper

The written assignment for this course entails a two-part project examining a social problem and a resultant social welfare policy and program response.

Part I: Using the Kingdon/Cherin Streams model ( to be presented in class) students will look at a policy piece ( an existing piece of legislation) that is from any period in history covered in the course. The students will produce a 6 page paper with 5 to 7 references that 1. Identifies the problem addressed by the policy and includes a peron-in-environment approach to presenting this information; 2. Then identifies by stream the issues that went into passage, adoption and implementation of this policy—the problem stream, the alternative solution stream and the political stream. This section of the paper in the streams will identify the values, beliefs and narratives that drove passage and implementation.

Subheadings for every section

1) Problem recognition
a) Brief sentence of policy and what it contains
b) Problem definition
c) Who wrote/ defined problem

2) Alternative Solutions
a) Elements of proposal
1) Solution matching up with problem
2) What does it do and how
b) Who were people involved in solution
c) What groups did solutions satisfy

3) Politics
a) Values beliefs and assumptions that framed policy
b) Opposition and support (who were involved)
c) Politics of the time

4) Window of opportunity
a) what happened at the time that created environment that helped policy

5) Policy entrepreneur
a) who facilitated success of policy, getting people involved, seeing a need

References that must be used:

Jansson, B. (2015). The reluctant welfare state…(8th Ed.) Australia: Cengage Learning.

Kingdon, J. (2011). Agendas, alternatives, and public policies.(2nd Ed.). Boston: Longman

Problem, Policy, and Program Paper (assignment 2 &3)

The written assignment for this course entails a two-part project examining a social problem and a resultant social welfare policy and program response.

Part I: Using the Kingdon/Cherin Streams model ( to be presented in class) students will look at a policy piece ( an existing piece of legislation) that is from any period in history covered in the course. The students will produce a 6 page paper with 5 to 7 references that 1. Identifies the problem addressed by the policy and includes a peron-in-environment approach to presenting this information; 2. Then identifies by stream the issues that went into passage, adoption and implementation of this policy—the problem stream, the alternative solution stream and the political stream. This section of the paper in the streams will identify the values, beliefs and narratives that drove passage and implementation.

Subheadings for every section

1)    Problem recognition
a)    Brief sentence of policy and what it contains
b)    Problem definition
c)    Who wrote/ defined problem

2)    Alternative Solutions
a)    Elements of proposal
1)    Solution matching up with problem
2)    What does it do and how
b)    Who were people involved in solution
c)    What groups did solutions satisfy

3) Politics
a) Values beliefs and assumptions that framed policy
b)  Opposition and support (who were involved)
c)   Politics of the time

4) Window of opportunity
a) what happened at the time that created environment that helped policy

5) Policy entrepreneur
a) who facilitated success of policy, getting people involved, seeing a need

References that must be used:

Jansson, B. (2015). The reluctant welfare state…(8th Ed.) Australia: Cengage Learning.

Kingdon, J. (2011). Agendas, alternatives, and public policies.(2nd Ed.). Boston: Longman

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