Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release
Title: Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse. By: Weik, Juan, Metal Bulletin Daily, 8/6/2010, Issue 224.Database: Business Source Complete.
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Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse
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San Jos? mine, a small copper operation in northern Chile owned by Minera San Esteban Primera, suffered a cave-in on August 5, leaving 33 workers trapped underground
San Jos? mine, a small copper operation in northern Chile owned by Minera San Esteban Primera, suffered a cave-in on August 5, leaving 33 workers trapped underground.
Rescuers are drilling holes in an attempt to locate the workers, but there is no official confirmation whether they would be alive after four days with limited food, water and oxygen.
A second cave-in on Saturday forced rescuers to suspend works for several hours.
Workers are trapped at a depth of around 300 metres.
Local organisations, such as the federation of Chilean mining workers (FMC) and the confederation of copper workers (CTC) have questioned Minera San Esteban’s safety record, highlighting several fatal accidents that have previously been reported at the small company.
Chile’s president Sebasti?n Pi?era has promised a thorough investigation into the accident.
Minera San Esteban produces around 1,200 tpy of copper, according to local news reports.
The San Jos? mine was closed in March 2007 following a fatal accident in January that year. It resumed operations a year later, reports said.
By Juan Weik
Research additional articles and information about the Chilean mine collapse.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper using this and other articles as a resource. Because communications must be designed with the audience in mind, answer the following questions: What are some considerations to remember given the different roles and people in the audience?
o What would be the potential needs of the families of the miners in receiving a message about this incident?
o What would be the potential needs of the company?s employees when receiving a message about this incident? What actions must you take before and after the message is delivered to ensure that it was received as intended?
Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Draft two communications from the mining company announcing the accident using what you have learned about the audience and effective messages. One communication should be directed to the families of the trapped miners and the other as an internal news release to employees in the company. For both, identify the most appropriate channel?face-to-face, e-mail, video, memo, and so on.
Note: This assignment has three parts to submit. Please combine them into one paper.
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