



You are working for Sunderland Futures Networking Services (SFNS). SFNS are pro-active in giving students experience of developing real systems for real clients. SFNS source real clients from their partner list and they work together to give students experience in developing prototypes of real systems and producing real reports for clients.

This year’s client wishes to remain anonymous but, is a medium sized call centre firm. They are looking to reduce their space requirements but, still employ the same number of staff.


The client is based in the UK but has thoughts for expansion. They rely heavily on their IT facilities and provide great customer service. Given the current economic upturn, the client would like to investigate how it could maximise revenue by making staff more productive but still keep the great customer service.

In a recent chat, Ben Don felt this may be achievable by staff working from home and from customer sites occasionally.

Client senior management have become excited about this possibility and have asked you to carry out research.

Question 1

Using the university network, search the IEEE digital library to find:

“Migration to Ipv6 From IPV4 by Dual Stack and Tunneling Techniques”. S. Aravind and G. Padmavathi.

a) Provide a full reference to the paper in the Harvard referencing style. Provide a brief explanation on the process used to find the paper. (5 marks)
b) Write a critical summary of the paper covering the following aspects:

a. What the most significant points are

b. Implications of this paper for networking professionals

c. Implications for a medium sized company

d. How they have referenced the work of others

e. How well the authors have presented their work

(15 marks)
[20 marks]

Your answer to this question should be less than 1000 words total.


• See links to examples of writing a critical summary on the module website

• A critical summary looks at both agreement and disagreement. For each you must support your observations with evidence
• You must use appropriate referencing

Question 2)

1. The firm currently has two sites – one in London (Remote Office) and the other in Sunderland (Main Office). Create IP addressing schemes for the Main and Remote Office sites: All departments need to be in separate subnets. The external IP address for Main is, and for the remote office is Use IP version 4 private addressing ranges within your networks (your choice as to which ones) and show how Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT) could be used to enable the connection of the external sites.

Head Office :

• Executives (18 users)

• PA’s (6 users)
• Customer Services (12 users)
• IP phones (up to 42 users)
• Finance (2 users)

Remote Office :

• Admin (2 users)

• Technical support (2 users)
• IP phones (up to 42 users)
• Home based workers (up to 22 users)

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