


Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject code LAW201A Subject name BUSINESS LAW Assessment title REPORT Group or individual assessment CASE STUDY Length 1400 WORDS Learning outcomes addressed 1-3 Submission date WEEK 4 Total marks 100 Percentage 20% Results Assessment Brief: 1. This assignment must be prepared and submitted individually, the work you submit must be your own. 2. You should include a reference list for any textbooks, websites or other references you use to prepare your answers. 3. Answer both questions and each question is worth equal weight. Question 1. (10marks) Imagine that s25 of the TAFE Education Act 2002 in your jurisdiction makes it an offence ‘to bring heroin, cannabis, cocaine or any other drug onto a TAFE campus’. The Education Minister said in parliamentary debate that s25 was introduced to prevent drug trafficking on TAFE campuses. Explain how the common law and statutory rules of interpretation could be applied to the following situations; 1 HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M LAW201A – 2_Assessment Brief-CS T2 2015.Docx1 (a) Winnie is caught by a security guard as she is licking white aspirin powder. According to the Macquarie Dictionary, aspirin is a drug. Would Winnie be guilty of the offence. (5 marks) (b) Cisco is caught with his methadone dose that has been legally prescribed from him. Would Cisco be guilty of the offence. (5 Marks) Question 2 (10 marks) Critically analyse the following case and state whether or not you think that the plaintiff will succeed under the tort of negligence: Hannah is shopping with her three children at Mitcham, a large suburban shopping centre. It has been raining heavily all day and the floor of the foyer is very wet. Her two-year-old toddler, Alice decides to run away and investigate the shops. Hannah attempts to chase her and falls on the tiles, suffering a fractured leg. Could any action be taken against the centre by Hannah in relation to this incident? Marking Guide High Distinction 21-25 points Distinction 16-20 points Credit 11-15 points Pass 6-10 points Fail 0-5 points Demonstrated knowledge of legal concepts Demonstrated legal research Application of legal principles to the problem Constructed legal argument Total points /100 points 2 HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M LAW201A – 2_Assessment Brief-CS T2 2015.Docx1

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