Leadership in health care
This assessment is to be written in a report format; guidelines on constructing a report will be provided in class. The task for this assessment is based on the scenario below. You are employed as the Team Leader for a team of health care professionals. Identify and critically analyse the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that would be required by you to be an effective Team Leader. Discuss the potential consequences of poor leadership being demonstrated by the Team Leader and link the impact this may have for staff, people using the health care services (patients/clients) and the healthcare organisation. Discuss how the use of a leadership analysis tool can be used to assist in critically evaluating your own leadership style and those of other members of the healthcare team. All work should be supported by current literature.
It should be simple sentence, Only New Zealand references. More references from books. Citations should be there. Marking rubrics from course outline should be met.
I need the assignment on Sunday afternoon NZ time
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
Course Code: HLTH.8001
Course Title: Leadership in Healthcare
Course Level: 8
Course Credits: 15
Semester 2, 2015
Course Outline
Faculty of Health, Education and Humanities
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
Table of Contents
1 Course Introduction: Whakatūwheratanga Kōhi ……………………………………………………………………………….3
2 Course Aim: Whāinga…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
3 Learning Outcomes: Hua Ako…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
4 Course Topics Outline: Ngā Kaupapa Kōrero …………………………………………………………………………………….4
5 Pre-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga I mua ………………………………………………………………………………………….4
6 Co-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga tuhono…………………………………………………………………………………………4
7 Unit Standards:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
8 Course Coordinator: Kaitakawāenga………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
9 Lecturer/Office Information: Kaiako/Pūrongo Tari…………………………………………………………………………….4
10 Department/Faculty: Tari/Pākaro ……………………………………………………………………………………………………4
11 Course Times/Venue: Ngā Wā Kōhi/Papa…………………………………………………………………………………………5
12 Course Hours: Ngā Hāora Kōhi………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
13 Learning and Teaching Overview: Tirohanga Ako………………………………………………………………………………5
13.1 Theoretical and Practical Components …………………………………………………………………………………….5
13.2 Off-campus Delivery………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
13.3 Health and Safety Requirements …………………………………………………………………………………………….5
14 Learning Resources: Ngā Rauemi Ako………………………………………………………………………………………………6
14.1 Required Readings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
14.2 Recommended Readings………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
14.3 Specialist Resources and Equipment………………………………………………………………………………………..6
15 Course Schedule: Whakarite Kōhi……………………………………………………………………………………………………7
16 Assessment Schedule: Whakarite Aromatawai………………………………………………………………………………….8
17 Assessment Policy/Guidelines: Kaupapa Aromatawai/Rārangi Tohutohu……………………………………………..8
18 Marking Scheme/Criteria: Nanakia Mākā/Whakaritenga……………………………………………………………………8
19 Summative Assessment 1 – Essay ………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
19.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment One -Essay……………………………………………11
20 Summative Assessment 2 – Report………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
20.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment 2- Report……………………………………………..14
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
1 Course Introduction: Whakatūwheratanga Kōhi
Welcome to this post graduate paper; as a student at this level you will be looking to develop not
only your knowledge, but you critical analysis and appraisal skills. Your lecturer will be Ian Guy; Ian
has over 30 years’ experience within the Health Sector and Higher Education in the United Kingdom
and New Zealand.
Many students on this course are from different professional backgrounds; your personal
experiences and reflections on working within the health systems are encouraged to be shared.
These will form a valuable part of your learning process. For many parts of the content there will be
no right or wrong answer; the health system goes through continual change driven by factors
external to the system. This paper endeavours to equip you to drive that change.
During this course it is likely you will be introduced to new ideas and different ways of thinking
about the health sector. It is highly recommended that if you do not understand these concepts that
you seek clarity for your lecturer at the earliest opportunity.
2 Course Aim: Whāinga
Students will investigate leadership in the health care sector from theoretical, historical and
functional perspectives with a view to enhancing their understanding of the impact of leadership
ability. Students will identify and synthesize personal leadership understandings and skills. The utility
of research to support leadership in the health care sector is evaluated.
In plain English what does this mean? This course aims to develop your knowledge and
understanding regarding the key principles used within the health sector in New Zealand. You will
achieve this by reflecting on your experiences to date, by studying selected leadership approaches
and research on effective leadership.
3 Learning Outcomes: Hua Ako
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. survey historical views and theories of health care leadership;
2. evaluate a range of leadership theories, models and approaches;
3. differentiate a range of leadership terms and frameworks utilised in health care settings;
4. critically identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required by effective health care
sector leaders and evaluate and appraise own personal style of leadership characteristics within
the health context;
5. identify and examine a range of challenges faced by health leaders
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
4 Course Topics Outline: Ngā Kaupapa Kōrero
Leadership and management theories,
styles and characteristics
Leadership and change
Cultural differences
Leadership and development plan
Planning and priority setting
Management of human resources
Organisational culture, norms and
traditions, characteristics and influences
Quality systems, standards and processes
The relationship between health care
leadership and spiritualism/Wairuatanga
Succession planning
Power, influence and authority
Māori leadership styles
Mentoring and Coaching
Communicating effectively as
a leader
Organising and problem
Communication, information
and feedback
Dichotomy of leadership and
Application of knowledge and
expertise in professional
organisations and practice
5 Pre-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga I mua
There are no pre-requisite papers for this course
6 Co-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga tuhono
There are no co-requisite papers for this course
7 Unit Standards:
There are no unit standards within this course
8 Course Coordinator: Kaitakawāenga
Ian Guy
9 Lecturer/Office Information: Kaiako/Pūrongo Tari
Name: Ingoa: Ian Guy
Contact Phone: Nāmā Wāea: 07 346 8913
Email: Imēra: ian.guy@waiariki.ac.nz
10 Department/Faculty: Tari/Pākaro
Te Pakaro o Ihenga
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
11 Course Times/Venue: Ngā Wā Kōhi/Papa
Day Time Venue
Monday 13th July No class Marae (for Powhiri)
Monday 20th July 9 – 11am L203
Monday 27th July onwards 10 – 11am (Lecture) L204
Monday 27th July onwards 1- 2pm (Tutorial Group
Monday 27th July onwards (Tutorial Group Two) L204
12 Course Hours: Ngā Hāora Kōhi
Lecturer-directed Learning Hours 60
Work Experience Hours 0
Student Self- directed Learning Hours including
Assessment Hours
Total study hours 150
13 Learning and Teaching Overview: Tirohanga Ako
13.1 Theoretical and Practical Components
This is a theory based paper; there is no practical element. However, students will be expected to
reflect on their previous practice experience.
13.2 Off-campus Delivery
There are no off-campus learning components in this course.
13.3 Health and Safety Requirements
All learning activities will be carried out in accordance with Waiariki’s Health and Safety Procedures.
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
14 Learning Resources: Ngā Rauemi Ako
14.1 Required Readings
It will be helpful if you gain an understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi; as one of New Zealand’s
founding documents it still has significance to all areas of government business. There are numerous
government websites that provide an introduction
14.2 Recommended Readings
The Waiariki library holds a large stock of texts related to leadership; please browse this section and
select texts that appeal to you and read widely around the key themes of this paper. Suggested texts
include –
DuBrin A. (2013) Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Mason, OH: South Western
Gill R (2011) Theory and practice of leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gosling J et. Al (2012) Key concepts in leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Henwood S (ed) (2012) Practical leadership in nursing and health care: A Multi-Professional
Approach. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
Northouse P.G. (2013) Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
In addition you should be reading relevant journal papers that are pertinent to your assessments.
14.3 Specialist Resources and Equipment
No special resources are required for this course
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
15 Course Schedule: Whakarite Kōhi
Te Wiki Topic: Kaupapa Kōrero Length (Hrs.):
Te Roa (Hāora)
Ngā Apiti Motuhake
1 Powhiri 2 Refer to e-campus
2 Introduction
Health Care System Aotearoa
2 Refer to e-campus
3 Database searching 2 Refer to e-campus
4 Treaty of Waitangi/Māori
Health Concepts
2 Refer to e-campus
5 Leadership Theories and
Leadership styles
2 Refer to e-campus
6 Leadership in healthcare 2 Refer to e-campus
7 Assignment one hand in
Assessing your leadership style
2 Refer to e-campus
8 Leadership knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values
Refer to e-campus
9 Tutorial 2 Refer to e-campus
10 Power, influence and control 2 Refer to e-campus
11 Communication, dealing with
2 Refer to e-campus
12 Working in teams 2 Refer to e-campus
13 Public Holiday (no classes) 2 Refer to e-campus
14 Assignment two hand in
Quality assurance, HR
2 Refer to e-campus
15 Leadership and ethics 2 Refer to e-campus
16 Tutorial 2 Refer to e-campus
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
16 Assessment Schedule: Whakarite Aromatawai
Assessment Type:
Mōmō Aromatawai
Learning Outcomes
Hua Ako
Summative Essay 1, 2 & 3 50%
Summative Report 4 & 5 50%
17 Assessment Policy/Guidelines: Kaupapa Aromatawai/Rārangi Tohutohu
Assessments will be delivered and managed in accordance with the criteria specified in the Waiariki
Regulatory Framework, including the Academic Regulations and relevant Waiariki policies and
procedures. A summary of Waiariki’s Academic Regulations can be found on pages 151-159 of your
Student Diary.
The full and current Waiariki Regulatory framework can be obtained via the following web link:
All written summative assessments in this paper require electronic submission through Turnitin
anti-plagiarism software prior to the due date and hard copy submission via the Administration
Staff in G Block. Students who do not submit hard copies risk not having their papers marked.
All written summative assessments in this paper require electronic submission through Turnitin antiplagiarism
software prior to the due date and hard copy submission. Both an electronic and hard
copy are required to be submitted to meet the requirements of this course
A Turnitin report of 20% or less is acceptable. Anything above 20% will be considered plagiarism and
will be marked as ZERO (0) and FAIL.
Similarity of Student Assessments:
Any students whose assessments demonstrate significant structural similarities in spite of a
favourable Turnitin similarity report, may be considered to have an unacceptable level of copying. In
such cases the assessments will be marked as ZERO (0) and FAIL.
Resubmission of failed assessment is according to Academic Statute.
18 Marking Scheme/Criteria: Nanakia Mākā/Whakaritenga
Marking scheme is included with the assessment tasks – please refer to this for how marks are
APA 6th edition referencing to be used throughout. As a post graduate student it is important that
citations and referencing is done to a satisfactory standard.
Your APA guide can be found at http://www.waiariki.ac.nz/services-and-facilities/library-learningresource-centre/referencing-study-resources
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
COURSE TITLE: Leadership in Health Care
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
19 Summative Assessment 1 – Essay
This assessment is an academic essay within which you are expected to use relevant published
work to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered within this paper.
The depth of your understanding should also draw upon your wider reading around the materials
covered in lectures, group activities and on e-campus.
Your task is to critically examine the historical development of healthcare leadership in New
Drawing on one professional occupational group and making specific reference to the development
of that profession, e.g. nursing, medicine, dentistry, etc. critically discuss the leadership structures
prevalent within that profession.
Analyse and evaluate three leadership theories or frameworks and then critically discuss the
potential application of one of these theories or frameworks to an aspect of contemporary
Provide a rationale for your choice of theory or framework.
All work should be fully supported by current literature.
Word limit 2500 words
Hand in date 24/08/15
Weighting: 50%
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
19.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment One -Essay
% No Mark Low Mark Medium Mark High Mark
examines the
of healthcare
leadership in
New Zealand
10% Does not examine the
historical developments
of leadership.
Not related to NZ context
Provides little critical
examination of the
historical development
of healthcare
Does not link to the NZ
Provides an adequate
critical examination of
the historical
development of
healthcare leadership
in the NZ context
Provides an in depth
critical examination of the
historical development of
healthcare leadership.
Clear analysis given.
Linked to the NZ context
identifies a
group, and
of that group.
discuss the
within that
15% No professional group
Does not discuss the
No discussion of the
leadership structure
within that profession
A professional group
Brief discussion of the
development and
leadership structure
within that profession
A professional group
Adequate discussion of
the development and
leadership structure
within that profession
Demonstrates a
understanding of the
A professional group
In depth critical discussion
of the development of
that group and critical
discussion of the
leadership structure
evident within that
Analyses and
evaluates 3
theories or
24% No evidence of analysis
and evaluation of 3
leadership theories or
Inadequate or minimal
evidence of analysis
and evaluation of 3 or
less leadership theories
or frameworks
Adequate evidence of
analysis and evaluation of
3 leadership theories or
In depth evidence of
analysis and evaluation of
all 3 leadership theories
or frameworks
discusses the
application of
one of these
theories or
to an aspect
15% No evidence of critical
discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an aspect
of contemporary
Minimal evidence of
critical discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an
aspect of contemporary
Adequate evidence of
critical discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an aspect
of contemporary
In depth evidence of
critical discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an aspect
of contemporary
Provides a
rationale to
support the
choice of
theory or
6% No rationale given to
support the choice of
theory or framework
Minimal rationale given
to support the choice of
theory or framework
Adequate rationale given
to support the choice of
theory or framework
In depth rationale given
to support the choice of
theory or framework
and Citations
10% APA format not used
Reference list incomplete.
APA format with
multiple errors.
Reference list
APA format with minimal
errors used
Reference list mostly
Correct APA format used
Reference list complete.
Integration of
10% Little evidence of
Plagiarism evident
Few citations.
Attempt to integrate
literature. Over reliance
on 1 or 2 sources
non scholarly sources.
Limited paraphrasing.
Good attempt to
integrate literature.
Effort to paraphrase.
Citations mainly from
scholarly sources.
Literature well integrated
good use of paraphrasing.
Citations acknowledged
and from scholarly
Essay Format 3% No introduction or
No obvious structure in
Limited introduction
and/or conclusion
Body paragraphs lack
topic sentences, linking
and/or logical order.
Introduction outlines
topic & main ideas
Paragraphs have topic
sentences but are not
linked and/or in a logical
order. Conclusion
summarises key points.
Introduction outlines
topic, and main ideas
Paragraphs have topic
sentences, linked and in a
logical sequence.
Conclusion summarises
key points
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
4% Many grammar and /or
spelling errors
Well under or over word
Grammar and spelling
Significant variation
from word limit.
Minimal errors in
grammar and spelling.
Word count within limits.
Grammar and spelling
Word count within limits.
Presentation 3% No requirements met Some requirements
Most requirements met All requirements met
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
20 Summative Assessment 2 – Report
This assessment is to be written in a report format; guidelines on constructing a report will be
provided in class. The task for this assessment is based on the scenario below.
You are employed as the Team Leader for a team of health care professionals.
Identify and critically analyse the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that would be required by
you to be an effective Team Leader.
Discuss the potential consequences of poor leadership being demonstrated by the Team Leader
and link the impact this may have for staff, people using the health care services (patients/clients)
and the healthcare organisation.
Discuss how the use of a leadership analysis tool can be used to assist in critically evaluating your
own leadership style and those of other members of the healthcare team.
All work should be supported by current literature.
Word limit 2500 words
Hand in date 02/11/15
Weighting 50%
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
20.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment 2- Report
No Mark Low Mark Medium Mark High Mark
Identifies and
critically analyses
the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and
values required to
be an effective
25% Does not identify
and critically
analyse the
knowledge, skills,
attitudes and
values to be an
effective leader
identification and
critically analysis of
the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and
values to be an
effective leader.
May omit 1 or
more of the
identification and
critically analysis of
the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and
values to be an
effective leader. All
In depth identification
and critically analysis of
the knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values to
be an effective leader.
All requirements
covered with examples
Discusses the
consequences of
poor leadership
demonstrated by
the Team Leader
15% No discussion of
the potential
consequences of
poor leadership
demonstrated by
the Team Leader
Minimal discussion
of the potential
consequences of
poor leadership
demonstrated by
the Team Leader
Adequate discussion
of the potential
consequences of
poor leadership
being demonstrated
by the Team Leader
In depth discussion of
the potential
consequences of poor
leadership being
demonstrated by the
Team Leader
Links the impact
that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has
on staff,
and the
15% Does not link the
impact that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has
on staff,
and the
Minimally links the
impact that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has
on staff,
and the
organisation. May
omit 1 or more of
the requirements.
Adequately links the
impact that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has on
patients/clients and
the organisation. All
requirements met.
In an in depth manner
links the impact that
poor leadership by the
Team Leader has on
staff, patients/clients
and the organisation.
All requirements met
Discusses how the
use of a leadership
analysis tool can
be used to
critically evaluate
you own
leadership style
and those of other
members of the
healthcare team
15% Does not
discusses how
the use of a
analysis tool can
be used to
critically evaluate
you own
leadership style
and those of
other members
of the healthcare
Minimal discussion
of how the use of a
leadership analysis
tool can be used to
critically evaluate
you own
leadership style
and those of other
members of the
healthcare team
Adequate discussion
how the use of a
leadership analysis
tool can be used to
critically evaluate
you own leadership
style and those of
other members of
the healthcare team
In depth discussion of
how the use of a
leadership analysis tool
can be used to critically
evaluate you own
leadership style and
those of other
members of the
healthcare team
References and
10% APA format not
used /minimal
Reference list
APA format with
multiple errors.
Reference list
APA format used
minimal errors
Reference list mostly
Correct APA format
Reference list
Integration of
10% Little evidence of
Few citations.
Attempt to
literature. Over
reliance on 1 or 2
sources and/or
non scholarly
Good attempt to
integrate literature.
Effort to paraphrase.
Citations mainly
from scholarly
Literature well
integrated good use of
paraphrasing Citations
acknowledged and
from scholarly sources.
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
Report Format 3% Report format
not evident
Some evidence of a
report format being
used but not
Report format used
in a adequate
Report format used
consistently and in a
superior manner
Academic Writing
4% Many grammar
and /or spelling
Well under or
over word limit.
Grammar and
spelling errors
variation from
word limit.
Minimal errors in
grammar and
Word count within
Grammar and spelling
Word count within
Presentation 3% No requirements
requirements met
Most requirements
All requirements met
Selecting the best theory to implement change
Using appreciative inquiry
Change Lewin’s theory
Motivating staff
John Kotter
Lewin’s model of change
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
Course Code: HLTH.8001
Course Title: Leadership in Healthcare
Course Level: 8
Course Credits: 15
Semester 2, 2015
Course Outline
Faculty of Health, Education and Humanities
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
Table of Contents
1 Course Introduction: Whakatūwheratanga Kōhi ……………………………………………………………………………….3
2 Course Aim: Whāinga…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
3 Learning Outcomes: Hua Ako…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
4 Course Topics Outline: Ngā Kaupapa Kōrero …………………………………………………………………………………….4
5 Pre-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga I mua ………………………………………………………………………………………….4
6 Co-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga tuhono…………………………………………………………………………………………4
7 Unit Standards:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
8 Course Coordinator: Kaitakawāenga………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
9 Lecturer/Office Information: Kaiako/Pūrongo Tari…………………………………………………………………………….4
10 Department/Faculty: Tari/Pākaro ……………………………………………………………………………………………………4
11 Course Times/Venue: Ngā Wā Kōhi/Papa…………………………………………………………………………………………5
12 Course Hours: Ngā Hāora Kōhi………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
13 Learning and Teaching Overview: Tirohanga Ako………………………………………………………………………………5
13.1 Theoretical and Practical Components …………………………………………………………………………………….5
13.2 Off-campus Delivery………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
13.3 Health and Safety Requirements …………………………………………………………………………………………….5
14 Learning Resources: Ngā Rauemi Ako………………………………………………………………………………………………6
14.1 Required Readings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
14.2 Recommended Readings………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
14.3 Specialist Resources and Equipment………………………………………………………………………………………..6
15 Course Schedule: Whakarite Kōhi……………………………………………………………………………………………………7
16 Assessment Schedule: Whakarite Aromatawai………………………………………………………………………………….8
17 Assessment Policy/Guidelines: Kaupapa Aromatawai/Rārangi Tohutohu……………………………………………..8
18 Marking Scheme/Criteria: Nanakia Mākā/Whakaritenga……………………………………………………………………8
19 Summative Assessment 1 – Essay ………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
19.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment One -Essay……………………………………………11
20 Summative Assessment 2 – Report………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
20.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment 2- Report……………………………………………..14
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
1 Course Introduction: Whakatūwheratanga Kōhi
Welcome to this post graduate paper; as a student at this level you will be looking to develop not
only your knowledge, but you critical analysis and appraisal skills. Your lecturer will be Ian Guy; Ian
has over 30 years’ experience within the Health Sector and Higher Education in the United Kingdom
and New Zealand.
Many students on this course are from different professional backgrounds; your personal
experiences and reflections on working within the health systems are encouraged to be shared.
These will form a valuable part of your learning process. For many parts of the content there will be
no right or wrong answer; the health system goes through continual change driven by factors
external to the system. This paper endeavours to equip you to drive that change.
During this course it is likely you will be introduced to new ideas and different ways of thinking
about the health sector. It is highly recommended that if you do not understand these concepts that
you seek clarity for your lecturer at the earliest opportunity.
2 Course Aim: Whāinga
Students will investigate leadership in the health care sector from theoretical, historical and
functional perspectives with a view to enhancing their understanding of the impact of leadership
ability. Students will identify and synthesize personal leadership understandings and skills. The utility
of research to support leadership in the health care sector is evaluated.
In plain English what does this mean? This course aims to develop your knowledge and
understanding regarding the key principles used within the health sector in New Zealand. You will
achieve this by reflecting on your experiences to date, by studying selected leadership approaches
and research on effective leadership.
3 Learning Outcomes: Hua Ako
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. survey historical views and theories of health care leadership;
2. evaluate a range of leadership theories, models and approaches;
3. differentiate a range of leadership terms and frameworks utilised in health care settings;
4. critically identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required by effective health care
sector leaders and evaluate and appraise own personal style of leadership characteristics within
the health context;
5. identify and examine a range of challenges faced by health leaders
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
4 Course Topics Outline: Ngā Kaupapa Kōrero
Leadership and management theories,
styles and characteristics
Leadership and change
Cultural differences
Leadership and development plan
Planning and priority setting
Management of human resources
Organisational culture, norms and
traditions, characteristics and influences
Quality systems, standards and processes
The relationship between health care
leadership and spiritualism/Wairuatanga
Succession planning
Power, influence and authority
Māori leadership styles
Mentoring and Coaching
Communicating effectively as
a leader
Organising and problem
Communication, information
and feedback
Dichotomy of leadership and
Application of knowledge and
expertise in professional
organisations and practice
5 Pre-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga I mua
There are no pre-requisite papers for this course
6 Co-requisites: Nga Whakaritenga tuhono
There are no co-requisite papers for this course
7 Unit Standards:
There are no unit standards within this course
8 Course Coordinator: Kaitakawāenga
Ian Guy
9 Lecturer/Office Information: Kaiako/Pūrongo Tari
Name: Ingoa: Ian Guy
Contact Phone: Nāmā Wāea: 07 346 8913
Email: Imēra: ian.guy@waiariki.ac.nz
10 Department/Faculty: Tari/Pākaro
Te Pakaro o Ihenga
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
11 Course Times/Venue: Ngā Wā Kōhi/Papa
Day Time Venue
Monday 13th July No class Marae (for Powhiri)
Monday 20th July 9 – 11am L203
Monday 27th July onwards 10 – 11am (Lecture) L204
Monday 27th July onwards 1- 2pm (Tutorial Group
Monday 27th July onwards (Tutorial Group Two) L204
12 Course Hours: Ngā Hāora Kōhi
Lecturer-directed Learning Hours 60
Work Experience Hours 0
Student Self- directed Learning Hours including
Assessment Hours
Total study hours 150
13 Learning and Teaching Overview: Tirohanga Ako
13.1 Theoretical and Practical Components
This is a theory based paper; there is no practical element. However, students will be expected to
reflect on their previous practice experience.
13.2 Off-campus Delivery
There are no off-campus learning components in this course.
13.3 Health and Safety Requirements
All learning activities will be carried out in accordance with Waiariki’s Health and Safety Procedures.
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
14 Learning Resources: Ngā Rauemi Ako
14.1 Required Readings
It will be helpful if you gain an understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi; as one of New Zealand’s
founding documents it still has significance to all areas of government business. There are numerous
government websites that provide an introduction
14.2 Recommended Readings
The Waiariki library holds a large stock of texts related to leadership; please browse this section and
select texts that appeal to you and read widely around the key themes of this paper. Suggested texts
include –
DuBrin A. (2013) Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Mason, OH: South Western
Gill R (2011) Theory and practice of leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gosling J et. Al (2012) Key concepts in leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Henwood S (ed) (2012) Practical leadership in nursing and health care: A Multi-Professional
Approach. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
Northouse P.G. (2013) Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
In addition you should be reading relevant journal papers that are pertinent to your assessments.
14.3 Specialist Resources and Equipment
No special resources are required for this course
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
15 Course Schedule: Whakarite Kōhi
Te Wiki Topic: Kaupapa Kōrero Length (Hrs.):
Te Roa (Hāora)
Ngā Apiti Motuhake
1 Powhiri 2 Refer to e-campus
2 Introduction
Health Care System Aotearoa
2 Refer to e-campus
3 Database searching 2 Refer to e-campus
4 Treaty of Waitangi/Māori
Health Concepts
2 Refer to e-campus
5 Leadership Theories and
Leadership styles
2 Refer to e-campus
6 Leadership in healthcare 2 Refer to e-campus
7 Assignment one hand in
Assessing your leadership style
2 Refer to e-campus
8 Leadership knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values
Refer to e-campus
9 Tutorial 2 Refer to e-campus
10 Power, influence and control 2 Refer to e-campus
11 Communication, dealing with
2 Refer to e-campus
12 Working in teams 2 Refer to e-campus
13 Public Holiday (no classes) 2 Refer to e-campus
14 Assignment two hand in
Quality assurance, HR
2 Refer to e-campus
15 Leadership and ethics 2 Refer to e-campus
16 Tutorial 2 Refer to e-campus
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
16 Assessment Schedule: Whakarite Aromatawai
Assessment Type:
Mōmō Aromatawai
Learning Outcomes
Hua Ako
Summative Essay 1, 2 & 3 50%
Summative Report 4 & 5 50%
17 Assessment Policy/Guidelines: Kaupapa Aromatawai/Rārangi Tohutohu
Assessments will be delivered and managed in accordance with the criteria specified in the Waiariki
Regulatory Framework, including the Academic Regulations and relevant Waiariki policies and
procedures. A summary of Waiariki’s Academic Regulations can be found on pages 151-159 of your
Student Diary.
The full and current Waiariki Regulatory framework can be obtained via the following web link:
All written summative assessments in this paper require electronic submission through Turnitin
anti-plagiarism software prior to the due date and hard copy submission via the Administration
Staff in G Block. Students who do not submit hard copies risk not having their papers marked.
All written summative assessments in this paper require electronic submission through Turnitin antiplagiarism
software prior to the due date and hard copy submission. Both an electronic and hard
copy are required to be submitted to meet the requirements of this course
A Turnitin report of 20% or less is acceptable. Anything above 20% will be considered plagiarism and
will be marked as ZERO (0) and FAIL.
Similarity of Student Assessments:
Any students whose assessments demonstrate significant structural similarities in spite of a
favourable Turnitin similarity report, may be considered to have an unacceptable level of copying. In
such cases the assessments will be marked as ZERO (0) and FAIL.
Resubmission of failed assessment is according to Academic Statute.
18 Marking Scheme/Criteria: Nanakia Mākā/Whakaritenga
Marking scheme is included with the assessment tasks – please refer to this for how marks are
APA 6th edition referencing to be used throughout. As a post graduate student it is important that
citations and referencing is done to a satisfactory standard.
Your APA guide can be found at http://www.waiariki.ac.nz/services-and-facilities/library-learningresource-centre/referencing-study-resources
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
COURSE TITLE: Leadership in Health Care
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
19 Summative Assessment 1 – Essay
This assessment is an academic essay within which you are expected to use relevant published
work to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered within this paper.
The depth of your understanding should also draw upon your wider reading around the materials
covered in lectures, group activities and on e-campus.
Your task is to critically examine the historical development of healthcare leadership in New
Drawing on one professional occupational group and making specific reference to the development
of that profession, e.g. nursing, medicine, dentistry, etc. critically discuss the leadership structures
prevalent within that profession.
Analyse and evaluate three leadership theories or frameworks and then critically discuss the
potential application of one of these theories or frameworks to an aspect of contemporary
Provide a rationale for your choice of theory or framework.
All work should be fully supported by current literature.
Word limit 2500 words
Hand in date 24/08/15
Weighting: 50%
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
19.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment One -Essay
% No Mark Low Mark Medium Mark High Mark
examines the
of healthcare
leadership in
New Zealand
10% Does not examine the
historical developments
of leadership.
Not related to NZ context
Provides little critical
examination of the
historical development
of healthcare
Does not link to the NZ
Provides an adequate
critical examination of
the historical
development of
healthcare leadership
in the NZ context
Provides an in depth
critical examination of the
historical development of
healthcare leadership.
Clear analysis given.
Linked to the NZ context
identifies a
group, and
of that group.
discuss the
within that
15% No professional group
Does not discuss the
No discussion of the
leadership structure
within that profession
A professional group
Brief discussion of the
development and
leadership structure
within that profession
A professional group
Adequate discussion of
the development and
leadership structure
within that profession
Demonstrates a
understanding of the
A professional group
In depth critical discussion
of the development of
that group and critical
discussion of the
leadership structure
evident within that
Analyses and
evaluates 3
theories or
24% No evidence of analysis
and evaluation of 3
leadership theories or
Inadequate or minimal
evidence of analysis
and evaluation of 3 or
less leadership theories
or frameworks
Adequate evidence of
analysis and evaluation of
3 leadership theories or
In depth evidence of
analysis and evaluation of
all 3 leadership theories
or frameworks
discusses the
application of
one of these
theories or
to an aspect
15% No evidence of critical
discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an aspect
of contemporary
Minimal evidence of
critical discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an
aspect of contemporary
Adequate evidence of
critical discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an aspect
of contemporary
In depth evidence of
critical discussion of the
potential application of
one of these theories or
frameworks to an aspect
of contemporary
Provides a
rationale to
support the
choice of
theory or
6% No rationale given to
support the choice of
theory or framework
Minimal rationale given
to support the choice of
theory or framework
Adequate rationale given
to support the choice of
theory or framework
In depth rationale given
to support the choice of
theory or framework
and Citations
10% APA format not used
Reference list incomplete.
APA format with
multiple errors.
Reference list
APA format with minimal
errors used
Reference list mostly
Correct APA format used
Reference list complete.
Integration of
10% Little evidence of
Plagiarism evident
Few citations.
Attempt to integrate
literature. Over reliance
on 1 or 2 sources
non scholarly sources.
Limited paraphrasing.
Good attempt to
integrate literature.
Effort to paraphrase.
Citations mainly from
scholarly sources.
Literature well integrated
good use of paraphrasing.
Citations acknowledged
and from scholarly
Essay Format 3% No introduction or
No obvious structure in
Limited introduction
and/or conclusion
Body paragraphs lack
topic sentences, linking
and/or logical order.
Introduction outlines
topic & main ideas
Paragraphs have topic
sentences but are not
linked and/or in a logical
order. Conclusion
summarises key points.
Introduction outlines
topic, and main ideas
Paragraphs have topic
sentences, linked and in a
logical sequence.
Conclusion summarises
key points
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
4% Many grammar and /or
spelling errors
Well under or over word
Grammar and spelling
Significant variation
from word limit.
Minimal errors in
grammar and spelling.
Word count within limits.
Grammar and spelling
Word count within limits.
Presentation 3% No requirements met Some requirements
Most requirements met All requirements met
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
20 Summative Assessment 2 – Report
This assessment is to be written in a report format; guidelines on constructing a report will be
provided in class. The task for this assessment is based on the scenario below.
You are employed as the Team Leader for a team of health care professionals.
Identify and critically analyse the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that would be required by
you to be an effective Team Leader.
Discuss the potential consequences of poor leadership being demonstrated by the Team Leader
and link the impact this may have for staff, people using the health care services (patients/clients)
and the healthcare organisation.
Discuss how the use of a leadership analysis tool can be used to assist in critically evaluating your
own leadership style and those of other members of the healthcare team.
All work should be supported by current literature.
Word limit 2500 words
Hand in date 02/11/15
Weighting 50%
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
20.1 MARKING RUBRIC HLTH.8001 Summative Assessment 2- Report
No Mark Low Mark Medium Mark High Mark
Identifies and
critically analyses
the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and
values required to
be an effective
25% Does not identify
and critically
analyse the
knowledge, skills,
attitudes and
values to be an
effective leader
identification and
critically analysis of
the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and
values to be an
effective leader.
May omit 1 or
more of the
identification and
critically analysis of
the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and
values to be an
effective leader. All
In depth identification
and critically analysis of
the knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values to
be an effective leader.
All requirements
covered with examples
Discusses the
consequences of
poor leadership
demonstrated by
the Team Leader
15% No discussion of
the potential
consequences of
poor leadership
demonstrated by
the Team Leader
Minimal discussion
of the potential
consequences of
poor leadership
demonstrated by
the Team Leader
Adequate discussion
of the potential
consequences of
poor leadership
being demonstrated
by the Team Leader
In depth discussion of
the potential
consequences of poor
leadership being
demonstrated by the
Team Leader
Links the impact
that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has
on staff,
and the
15% Does not link the
impact that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has
on staff,
and the
Minimally links the
impact that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has
on staff,
and the
organisation. May
omit 1 or more of
the requirements.
Adequately links the
impact that poor
leadership by the
Team Leader has on
patients/clients and
the organisation. All
requirements met.
In an in depth manner
links the impact that
poor leadership by the
Team Leader has on
staff, patients/clients
and the organisation.
All requirements met
Discusses how the
use of a leadership
analysis tool can
be used to
critically evaluate
you own
leadership style
and those of other
members of the
healthcare team
15% Does not
discusses how
the use of a
analysis tool can
be used to
critically evaluate
you own
leadership style
and those of
other members
of the healthcare
Minimal discussion
of how the use of a
leadership analysis
tool can be used to
critically evaluate
you own
leadership style
and those of other
members of the
healthcare team
Adequate discussion
how the use of a
leadership analysis
tool can be used to
critically evaluate
you own leadership
style and those of
other members of
the healthcare team
In depth discussion of
how the use of a
leadership analysis tool
can be used to critically
evaluate you own
leadership style and
those of other
members of the
healthcare team
References and
10% APA format not
used /minimal
Reference list
APA format with
multiple errors.
Reference list
APA format used
minimal errors
Reference list mostly
Correct APA format
Reference list
Integration of
10% Little evidence of
Few citations.
Attempt to
literature. Over
reliance on 1 or 2
sources and/or
non scholarly
Good attempt to
integrate literature.
Effort to paraphrase.
Citations mainly
from scholarly
Literature well
integrated good use of
paraphrasing Citations
acknowledged and
from scholarly sources.
HLTH.8001 Leadership in Healthcare
Report Format 3% Report format
not evident
Some evidence of a
report format being
used but not
Report format used
in a adequate
Report format used
consistently and in a
superior manner
Academic Writing
4% Many grammar
and /or spelling
Well under or
over word limit.
Grammar and
spelling errors
variation from
word limit.
Minimal errors in
grammar and
Word count within
Grammar and spelling
Word count within
Presentation 3% No requirements
requirements met
Most requirements
All requirements met
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