Instructional Setting:
(e.g., group size, learning context, location [classroom, field trip to zoo, etc.], seating arrangement, bulletin board displays)
Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):
Lesson Objective(s):
(e.g., what students will accomplish by the end of a single lesson; needs to align with core
curriculum/student achievement standard)
Should be measurable (condition, behavior, and criterion).
Instructional Materials:
Materials needed for the lesson for teacher and students (e.g., textbook, construction paper, scissors, PowerPoint, guided note templates)
Supplementary information and/or places where you found information for the lesson
Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):
1. Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning:
(e.g., anticipatory set, schema, purpose of lesson for students, connections to previous learning, definitions of terms reviewed)
2. Presentation Procedures for New Information or Modeling:
(e.g., term definitions, concepts, processes and/or approaches)
3. Guided Practice:
(e.g., teacher directed, scaffolding, check for student understanding—including any questions to ask or anticipate from students)
4. Independent Student Practice:
(e.g., teacher monitored, check for student understanding—including any questions to ask or anticipate from students)
5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:
(e.g., review terms, concepts, and/or learning process; establish connections to the next lesson; check for student understanding—including any questions to ask or anticipate from students)
Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):
(e.g., direct instruction, cooperative learning groups, partner work)
Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:
Describe accommodations for such groups as English Language Learners, students with learning disabilities, students with hearing or physical disabilities, and/or gifted/accelerated learners.
Use of Technology:
Teacher or student
Student Assessment/Rubrics:
Describe how you will know if students have met the objective(s) for this lesson, including a description of the formative and summative assessment(s) used for this lesson.
Part 1 Essay Requirements:
A. At the 6th grade level.
B. Identify one grade-appropriate language arts common core standard or state standard that could be used during a week-long unit.
Use standard: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
1. Create three measurable learning objectives related to this standard that each includes a condition, a behavior, and a criterion.
C. Identify three different 6th grade-appropriate instructional strategies (one for each objective identified in part B1) that could be used in your classroom.
1. Explain how you could use these three different instructional strategies to teach the learning objectives from part B1.
D. Identify three different 6th grade-appropriate assessment strategies (one for each objective identified in part B1) that could be used in your classroom.
1. Explain how you could use these three different assessment strategies to assess the learning objectives from part B1.
E. Explain how you could incorporate a technology work station to help students meet one or more of the learning objectives identified in part B1.
F. If you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Note: When using outside sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.
Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines section.
Part 2 ELL Lesson Plan/Requirements:
Note: You are creating one lesson plan using the required lesson plan template.
A. Create an original lesson plan to teach students how to use the process approach to writing in order to write an expository paragraph that includes the following components:
• Identification of general information (e.g., topic, grade, student grouping, seating arrangement) (still using the 6th grade level)
• Identification of standards and measurable objectives (condition, behavior, and criterion)
Use standard: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
• Identification of materials/resources for students and teacher
• Description of prerequisite skills or connections to previous learning (i.e., What previously learned skills are necessary for students to be able to participate in and benefit from the planned lesson?)
• Explanation of presentation procedures for new information, guided practice, independent practice, and culmination
• Explanation of differentiated instruction accommodations
• Explanation of assessment
1. Include appropriate step-by-step writing instructions to help English language learner students learn the process approach to writing in your lesson plan.
2. Include one of the following teaching strategies in the instructional sequence of the lesson plan from part A:
• Overall organization
• Basic sentence structure
• Key vocabulary
• Academic language
B. Include a writing guide in your lesson plan that the ELL students are to follow in their own writing.
C. Explain (2 paragraphs) how the designed lesson plan teaches English language learners to write expository text.
1. Include two sources to support your explanation from part C.
D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment.
Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the APA Guidelines section.
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