Literacy/Learning Narrative
Literacy Narrative Definition:
An essay that narrates the process or story of how a person becomes “literate”, i.e. how they learn to read or write. This definition could be expanded to include the acquisition of a new language or the learning of other intellectual skills. For purposes of this assignment, you may further expand the definition to include the process of learning some new skill, i.e. learning to drive, learning to cook, learning to fix a clogged toilet, etc.
Assignment: Write a narrative of 1,000 to 1,200 words that meets the definitions above. Be sure to have elements in your essay that perform the following functions: Establish the situation Create conflict/crisis (Villains are always good!) Resolve the conflict
Papers should: Use 12 point Times New Roman font Be submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx) format Be double–‐spaced with 1–‐ inch margins.
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