Management Dynamics Research Paper
Assessment question and detail Must be 1000 words Must include the below reference. Must include the below case. Its should be related CSR (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBLE) IT MUST DISCUSS ABOUT 2 THE ARTICLE WICH ARE ú Chin, MK, Hambrick, DC and Treviño, LK 2013, Political Ideologies of CEOs: The Influence of Executives Values on Corporate Social Responsibility, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 197232. ú McShane, L and Cunningham, P 2012, To Thine Own Self Be True? Employees Judgments of the Authenticity of Their Organisations Corporate Social Responsibility Program, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 81100. Your article should be answer for these questions . a. Do you believe that the leadership group of an organisation can have a significant impact on how a CSR agenda and its related activities are developed and implemented? b. In terms of the leadership theories discussed in lectures, are the comments by Chin, Bambrick and Treviño (2013) more aligned with the behavioural theories of leadership (i.e. the notion that leaders are hard-wired) than they are with contingency theories of leadership (i.e. the notion that leaders are flexible and adaptable)? c. Is it possible to talk about superficial (unauthentic) CSR as compared to embedded (authentic) CSR? Alternatively, do organisations either have or do not have CSR? What arguments would support either of these views? d. What role do followers (in the sense of employees) have in developing and implementing CSR broadly or specifically, with respect to particular CSR activities, within an organisation? Is it a necessary and sufficient condition for leadership to be involved in developing CSR top-down (which may result in superficial CSR), but only a necessary condition in terms of developing embedded CSR (with the sufficient condition being bottom-up involvement and engagement of employees or followers)? Becoming a corporate socially responsible (CSR) organisation is probably more an imperative today than what it was in the last decades of the previous century. Although Robins (2008) considers that CSR has not been clearly defined or delineated and that the CSR has not been universally accepted by all corporations or organisations, decisions about corporate social responsibility are seen as important and most likely made by the organisations senior managers (Robbins, 2008, p. 335). There is support for this top-down approach to implementing and managing CSR in the discussion by Chin, Hambrick and Treviño (2013) about the impact that conservative as compared to liberal CEOs have on their organisations CSR agenda. It would appear that even when it is not their own idea these CEOs exert significant influence on the suggestions of others (such as to embrace CSR or not). From another perspective, the study by Chin, Hambrick and Treviño (2013) also challenges the view that one size fits all when considering the classical or neo-liberal view of the organisation. CEOs identified as more liberal in their political ideology see CSR as a central part of their organisations business strategy, whereas conservative CEOs see CSR activities as more cosmetic and related to corporate image and reputation (Chin, Hambrick and Treviño, 2013, p. 222). In addition, when looking at a company such as Yahoo7! (presented in the Week 3 lecture), it would appear that lower level staff are also actively involved in CSR activities as well and so may make their own contributions to CSR beyond their senior managers influences. McShane and Cunningham (2012) further consider this issue of CSR and bottom up employee acceptance or participation in CSR activities rather than the process merely being top down (leaders views on CSR). They also consider employees perceptions of their organisations CSR activities in terms of whether these activities are seen as authentic or otherwise. Within the context of this discussion, your response should focus on the following questions: e. Do you believe that the leadership group of an organisation can have a significant impact on how a CSR agenda and its related activities are developed and implemented? f. In terms of the leadership theories discussed in lectures, are the comments by Chin, Bambrick and Treviño (2013) more aligned with the behavioural theories of leadership (i.e. the notion that leaders are hard-wired) than they are with contingency theories of leadership (i.e. the notion that leaders are flexible and adaptable)? g. Is it possible to talk about superficial (unauthentic) CSR as compared to embedded (authentic) CSR? Alternatively, do organisations either have or do not have CSR? What arguments would support either of these views? h. What role do followers (in the sense of employees) have in developing and implementing CSR broadly or specifically, with respect to particular CSR activities, within an organisation? Is it a necessary and sufficient condition for leadership to be involved in developing CSR top-down (which may result in superficial CSR), but only a necessary condition in terms of developing embedded CSR (with the sufficient condition being bottom-up involvement and engagement of employees or followers)? Your response MUST include discussion for the following sources, viz.: Chin, MK, Hambrick, DC and Treviño, LK 2013, Political Ideologies of CEOs: The Influence of Executives Values on Corporate Social Responsibility, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 197232. McShane, L and Cunningham, P 2012, To Thine Own Self Be True? Employees Judgments of the Authenticity of Their Organisations Corporate Social Responsibility Program, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 108, No. 1, pp. 81100. Optional references you DO NOT need to use these in your essay: Robins, F 2008, Why corporate social responsibility should be popularised but not imposed, Corporate Governance, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 330-341. (Article provides a good background to the area of corporate social responsibility (even though supporting more the classical view than the socio-economic view.) Mayer, DM, Aquino, K, Greenbaum, RL and Kuenzi, M 2012, Who Displays Ethical Leadership, and Why does it Matter? An Examination of Antecedents and Consequences of Ethical Leadership, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 151171. (Article considers the issue of social learning in terms of interactions between leaders and followers.) In addition to the required sources shown above, you should use AT LEAST TWO other references that you have found. A superior answer will also include some real world examples as part of the evidence that supports your claims and arguments. The format of this assessment item should follow a discussion essay format with a brief introduction, a body and a brief conclusion. For further help on how to write an essay, see the College of Business Essay/Report Writing Guide which is available in the Assessments folder on the Management Dynamics vUWS site. You also need to support any claims that you make by using relevant research literature, concentrating on peer-reviewed or scholarly sources. Note that newspaper articles and Wikipedia are not considered scholarly sources due to issues about peer review of the material presented. However, you can use newspaper articles and Wikipedia to obtain a general understanding on a topic that you are researching. Where scholarly sources are used then appropriate citing and referencing of these sources should be completed as part of your submission.
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