Managing the hospitality experience
The title page, table of contents, Bibliography/Reference list&Appendices do not count towards the word count. 10% above or below the word count is permitted.
Please understand the concept clearly before writing the report. Read the report instructions properly and feel free to contact me if required.
I will also upload the necessary topics powerpoints please use them while making a report.
if you choose to talk about the concept related to:
1. Sexualised/genderedexperience e.g. Bedroom restaurant in Melbourne (use powperpoints Topic 1, 3 7 & 9)
2. Emotional labour & Aesthetic labour (this includes the sub concept of recognition labour) (use powerpoint Topic 1, 7 & 9)
Assignment 3 is an individual assignment that consists of a 2000 word report that is worth 50% of your overall mark for this course.
Students are expected to discuss the concept of working in hospitality “as performative labour” to a practical hospitality context. In topic 1 it was discussed that hospitality is about creating a positive experience for the guests/customer.
Students then need to choose and apply one of the following concepts. The topics that are relevant to these concepts are provided in brackets. Students need to analyse whether the concept they have chosen from the following list, is evident in the service that was provided at the organisation/business they visited:
1. Sexualised/gendered experience e.g. Bedroom restaurant in Melbourne (Topic 1, 3 7 & 9)
2. Emotional labour & Aesthetic labour (this includes the sub concept of recognition labour) (Topic 1, 7 & 9)
Students are expected to visit one of the following hospitality service establishments:
• An accommodation and food establishment – e.g. Hotel, Motel or Bed and breakfast etc.
• Food and drink – e.g. Restaurant, Cafe, Club, Self-service, Fast food, Fine dining or Bar/Pub etc.
• Travel involved hospitality – e.g. Plane, Cruise ship or Train etc.
In applying the theory to this practical situation, you need to ask yourself the following questions:
• What is the core-business? (e.g. food, accommodation, entertainment etc.)
• What is the nature of the hospitality offered (e.g. fine dining, ethnic cuisine, organic food, entertainment/fun etc.)
• What is your initial impression before you visited this place? (e.g. from what other people told you, Website, online reviews etc.).
• Which one of the above concepts is applicable to this restaurant and why? (e.g. emotional labour is applicable, because it is a restaurant, and staff are expected to make customers feel welcome and enjoy the experience etc.).
• Discuss whether these concepts were evident (or not evident) in the service that was provided. Give examples to support your answer (e.g. if applying emotional labour – emotional labour was evident in relation to the way staff calmed down/pacified a difficult customer; the customers complaint was immediately addressed, an apology was given, more attention was paid to the customer etc). Example of a negative might be, staff was not attentive/ignored customers, didn’t establish eye contact with customers etc).
• What can you conclude from your overall experience (e.g. the experience did not create a positive ‘memorable’ experience etc)
• What are some recommendations or suggestions that you can offer to improve the service quality?
Students need to provide supporting material – to show evidence of the field visit. The evidence may include photographs from your visit, a brochure or menu (if they were made available to take away). Please include an Appendix of no more than 3 pages – the pages of the Appendix do not form part of the maximum word count).
Use numbered headings and sub-headings
Use short, concise paragraphs and dot-points where applicable
The structure of the report should be:
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Executive summary/abstract
4. Introduction & background
5. Literature Review
6. Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. Recommendations
9. Bibliography/Reference list
10. Appendices
Students need to submit their work via Learonline. Feedback will be provided via a Feedback proforma.
Word count:
The 2000 word count includes the executive summary & other content. The title page, table of contents, Bibliography/Reference list & Appendices do not count towards the word count. 10% above or below the word count is permitted.
A minimum of 4 academic references (journal articles & Book Chapters) are expected.
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