
Managing Individualised Service Delivery ( Social Work And Social Science Core subject)

Managing Individualised Service Delivery ( Social Work And Social Science Core subject)

Order Description

Assessment #2 – Essay (Graded)
A written research paper of 2500 words, which explores one of the following:

1. For a human service sector or client population of your choice, identify the critical issues in, obstacles to and common problems with engagement, intake, screening and assessment for case management (and/or individualised funding).


2. For a human service sector or client population of your choice, identify the critical issues in, obstacles to and common problems with service planning and implementation for case management (and/or individualised funding).


3. For a human service sector or client population of your choice, identify the critical issues in, obstacles to and common problems with termination, review, follow up and evaluation for case management (and/or individualised funding).


4. For a human service sector or client population of your choice, identify, describe and critique the service system and practice dilemmas in relation to individualised service delivery and/or case management.

A minimum of 10-12 references, including textbook.

Assessment criteria:

* Wide research in individualised service delivery and case management

* Understanding of the conceptual and practical dimensions of individualised service delivery and case management

* Analytical ability, logical thinking and sound argument

* Sound expression, structuring and referencing (consistent use of one form of the Harvard system).

Assignment is to be submitted through AssignIT and will be returned within two to three weeks.

Feedback on this assessment will be provided on the Feedback form which is available on the course homepage.

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