Marketing and Advertising (2) DQ & ACT. 4
DISCUSSION QUESTION 4-1 MK640 Marketing and Advertising
Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Strategies
Discussion Question 1 (25 points)
Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to each of the following discussion questions. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer each discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Appropriately cite all resources used to answer the discussion questions and include an APA-formatted bibliography for each. Your Discussion Question responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the questions themselves. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.
Pick an industry and provide a brief description. Classify two (2) firms within the industry according to which of the four different roles they might play: leader, challenger, follower, or nicher. How would you characterize the nature of the competition in the industry? In your opinion, how might the two firms combat the competition? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
DISCUSSION QUESTION 4-2 MK640 Marketing and Advertising
Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Strategies
Discussion Question 2 (25 points)
Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to each of the following discussion questions. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer each discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Appropriately cite all resources used to answer the discussion questions and include an APA-formatted bibliography for each. Your Discussion Question responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the questions themselves. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.
Colleges, universities, and other educational institutions can be classified as service organizations. Using the service-quality model, describe each of the five (5) gaps that can cause unsuccessful service delivery. Identify one example for each gap that may be evident at an educational institution. Offer a solution for each of these five (5) identified gaps. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
ACTIVITY 04 MK640 Marketing and Advertising
Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Strategies
Activity 4: Marketing Analysis (100 points)
Pretend you have been hired as Director of Marketing and Planning in time for a company’s anticipated introduction of a new product or service. For your first assignment, you are asked to provide a rudimentary market analysis and promotion mix for the introduction of a new product offering. You will present this information to the Senior Vice President of Marketing, as well as to others in upper management. They will compare your suggestions to suggestions developed earlier and are hoping to receive fresh, new insights into how they will identify, attract, and capture their desired audience. Although you want to make a great impression, you also know that, since they very well may give the implementation of the plan back to you, your presentation needs to be as realistic as possible.
You must cite all resources used and include an APA-formatted bibliography. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. (100 points) (A 3-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, C, and D.)
Part A Choose the type of company you work for and write a description of the company that includes the following.
1. The Industry You Operate In
2. Product Lines
3. Total Number of Employees
4. Annual Revenue
5. Top Competitor
6. Any Other Relevant Information
Part B Write an overall description of the new product you will be promoting. Include four (4) product features and one (1) benefit for each feature.
Part C Identify and describe the three (3) primary market segments (target markets) you will promote to; in each description, identify two (2) demographic and one (1) psychographic characteristic.
Part D Develop a list of five (5) marketing activities you recommend to promote this new product. Include the reason why you believe each of the marketing activities will be successful.
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
MK640 Marketing and Advertising
Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Strategies
Discussion Question 1 (25 points)
Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to each of the following discussion questions. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer each discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Appropriately cite all resources used to answer the discussion questions and include an APA-formatted bibliography for each. Your Discussion Question responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the questions themselves. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.
Pick an industry and provide a brief description. Classify two (2) firms within the industry according to which of the four different roles they might play: leader, challenger, follower, or nicher. How would you characterize the nature of the competition in the industry? In your opinion, how might the two firms combat the competition? (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
MK640 Marketing and Advertising
Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Strategies
Discussion Question 2 (25 points)
Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to each of the following discussion questions. Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer each discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information. Appropriately cite all resources used to answer the discussion questions and include an APA-formatted bibliography for each. Your Discussion Question responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the questions themselves. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.
Colleges, universities, and other educational institutions can be classified as service organizations. Using the service-quality model, describe each of the five (5) gaps that can cause unsuccessful service delivery. Identify one example for each gap that may be evident at an educational institution. Offer a solution for each of these five (5) identified gaps. (25 points) (A 1½-page response is required.)
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
MK640 Marketing and Advertising
Lesson 4: Developing Marketing Strategies
Activity 4: Marketing Analysis (100 points)
Pretend you have been hired as Director of Marketing and Planning in time for a company’s anticipated introduction of a new product or service. For your first assignment, you are asked to provide a rudimentary market analysis and promotion mix for the introduction of a new product offering. You will present this information to the Senior Vice President of Marketing, as well as to others in upper management. They will compare your suggestions to suggestions developed earlier and are hoping to receive fresh, new insights into how they will identify, attract, and capture their desired audience. Although you want to make a great impression, you also know that, since they very well may give the implementation of the plan back to you, your presentation needs to be as realistic as possible.
You must cite all resources used and include an APA-formatted bibliography. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. (100 points) (A 3-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, C, and D.)
Part A Choose the type of company you work for and write a description of the company that includes the following.
- The Industry You Operate In
- Product Lines
- Total Number of Employees
- Annual Revenue
- Top Competitor
- Any Other Relevant Information
Part B Write an overall description of the new product you will be promoting. Include four (4) product features and one (1) benefit for each feature.
Part C Identify and describe the three (3) primary market segments (target markets) you will promote to; in each description, identify two (2) demographic and one (1) psychographic characteristic.
Part D Develop a list of five (5) marketing activities you recommend to promote this new product. Include the reason why you believe each of the marketing activities will be successful.
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
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