Maternal Newborn Nutrition and Breastfeeding class
This project is for a Maternal Newborn Nutrition and Breastfeeding class. Basically it’s 4 short answer questions (750 words +/- 10% each question/situation) pertaining to nutrition and breastfeeding challenges. Despite potential challenges, breastfeeding is sustainable on a worldwide level and best for baby, it is part of the WHO Sustainable Development Goals and correct breastfeeding pratice contributes to lowering infant mortality rates; check out the following short video-
Just to put this out there, I have really high expectations and prefer someone who is genuinely interested in the project. I enjoy having updates on the project, there is time to get it done, and I do not want this done in a rush. Thoughtful, well worded and meaty information is a must; also I am actively researching the topics listed and will send any info I may find useful. There are 2 lists and 4 topics in each list, you can choose which two from each list you would like to further research and answer, a lot could depend on the best resources you find.
Just so you know everything is graded by 3 people and proper referencing along with good, evidence-based, recent information is critical. APA 6th edition must be used, the following website is useful- Honeslty, I will be disappointed if I get something back and the references are incorrectly cited in text and in the reference list (for example the first letter of each word does not need to be capitalized in APA 6th ed. and so forth, please pay attention to the details) or you use a bunch of webistes, this is a university paper; books, journals, and meaty databases like the cochrane database and pubmed among various others are prefered. Again- good evidence based info is needed, NO blogs, NO wikipedia. Also I prefer scholars with english as their first language, I understand some people are very fluent and it is not their first language; but just wanted to put that out there.
If you have any ideas comments, or concerns please send me a message. Once I choose a scholar I will send more information in regards to specific reading that could be helpful. I really appreciate your help and time and look forward to working with you. Sending infinite joy to you and all that surrounds you!
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