Choose a mental health case that you have attended on your clinical placements. Please de-identify the case – no place or name identifiers. If you have not attended a case or a case you feel comfortable discussing then two cases will be provided for you to choose from. This assignment gives you the opportunity to discuss:
. 1) Key features of the case ?
. 2) The relevant history taking and components of the mental health examination for that ?person ?
. 3) Current literature regarding the biological, social and psychological causes of mental ?illness ?
. 4) Current literature regarding treatment and care for that person ?
It is expected that you demonstrate an understanding of mental illness and the care and treatment provided. Your work needs to be supported from both text books and current literature. At least five journal articles are expected to be part of your literature search. The aim is to provide recent evidence regarding practice and care provision for those with mental illness.
Higher grades will be awarded for clear demonstration of an understanding of the components of a mental health examination. The use of literature to support practice and a critical evaluation of the care provided to the patient.?These are some questions to help you think about the case.
1. What are the possible provisional diagnoses for this presentation? ?
2. What history would you like to know and why? ?
3. What assessment would you do and what would you take note of and why? ?
The purpose of this assessment piece is to develop knowledge of the biological, social and psychological factors which effect the development of mental illness. The assignment provides the opportunity to investigate current research into a specific case of mental illness attended in clinical practice. The assignment requires knowledge of communication techniques, relevant literature, current practice and further care provision for those experiencing mental illness.
???literature search for relevant information targeting communication, biological, social and psychological causes of mental illness (directly relevant to the case chosen from practice) ?
???Consideration of other possible causes (differential diagnoses) for the case. ?
???recognition of signs & symptoms and the relevant mental state examination ?
???Knowledge of paramedic care & out-of-hospital management of the case ?
???Knowledge of resources and further treatment pathways available for the individual ?cared for. ?
Student Description:
The introduction to your essay should include outlining the content and key points to be discussed and provides a brief overview of the case. The introduction should identify the key signs and symptoms within the case and relates them to a provisional mental health diagnosis.
If using a case from your clinical practice please remember to NOT USE any place or name identifiers. Please maintain confidentiality.
Key points
F •??overview of the case not provided, ?
•??no outline of the key points to be discussed, ?
•??unclear explanation of key signs and symptoms, ?
•??Lack of identified provisional mental health diagnosis ?
P •??overview of the case provided, ?
•??key points mentioned but not clearly identified and linked to relevance ?for the case, ?
•??signs and symptoms identified but not explained, ?
•??provisional mental health diagnosis identified but not clearly linked to ?the case ?
CR •??overview of the case provided, ?
•??key points identified with links to the case, ?
•??signs & symptoms identified and explained, ?
•??provisional mental health diagnosis identified and linked to the case ?
DN •??Succinct & clear overview of the case provided, ?
•??key points identified and explained with links to the case, ?
•??signs & symptoms succinctly identified and explained, ?
•??Provisional mental health diagnosis identified excellent links established ?to the case. ?
HD •?as DN above, but with outstanding synthesis and exploration of concepts
Student Description:
The discussion should include:
•??a supporting rationale with evidence for the provisional diagnosis, ?
•??a discussion of the key components of the mental health examination which are relevant ?to the case and diagnosis, ?
•??a description of the key signs and symptoms and common characteristics which are ?found within that disorder. ?
•??links to literature and the criteria used in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental ?Disorders (V) (DSM V) to support the diagnosis. ?
Grade Key points
F •??no clear rationale provided for the provisional diagnosis, ?
•??no description or outline of the mental state examination, ?
•??no links made between the case and the MSE, ?
•??no critical discussion of the diagnostic criteria and literature relevant to ?the case and diagnosis ?
P •??Rationale provided but not well defined or explained, ?
•??key features of the MSE outlined but not discussed, ?
•??links are made between the case and the MSE but not explained or ?critically discussed, ?
•??limited links to literature and the criteria not discussed in depth. ?
CR •??Rationale defined but not discussed in depth, ?
•??key features of the MSE outlined and discussed, ?
•??links are made between the case and the MSE with explanation but not ?critically discussed, ?
•??links to current literature and the criteria discussed. ?
DN •??Succinct & clear rationale that is well explained and discussed, ?
•??key features of the MSE clearly outlined and critically discussed, ?
•??links are made between the case and the MSE which are explained and ?critically discussed, ?
•??excellent links to current literature and the criteria discussed. ?
HD •?as DN above, but with outstanding synthesis and exploration of concepts
Student Description:
The discussion should include:
•??the biological, social and psychological factors which underlie the development of the disorder, ?
•??evidence of current research regarding the disorder and critical discussion of the implications for short (paramedic – out of hospital) and long term care, ?
•??current management practices and/or therapies and discussion on their benefits and limitations (short and long term care) which includes a ?
•??discussion of communication and rapport building techniques relevant to the case. ?
Grade Key points
F •??no clear discussion of the biological, social and psychological factors, ?
•??no current evidence (research) provided into the disorder, ?
•??no links made between the literature and short and long term care, ?
•??no critical discussion of the current practices and their benefits or ?limitations, ?
•??no critical discussion of the of communication and rapport building ?techniques. ?
P •??an outline of the biological, social and psychological factors provided but no explanation or discussion of those factors, ?
•??limited current evidence (research) provided into the disorder, ?
•??links made between the literature and short and long term care but ?lacking in-depth discussion, ?
•??an outline of current practices with limited discussion of their benefits or ?limitations with few links to the case and diagnosis, ?
•??no critical discussion of the of communication and rapport building ?techniques. ?
CR •??the biological, social and psychological factors explained and discussed, ?
•??current evidence (research) provided into the disorder, ?
•??links made between the literature and short and long term care with ?discussion, ?
•??an outline of current practices with discussion of their benefits and ?limitations with links to the case and diagnosis, ?
•??discussion of the communication and rapport building techniques. ?
DN •??the biological, social and psychological factors explained with critical discussion of those factors, ?
•??current evidence (research) provided into the disorder and incorporated, ?
•??clear links made between the literature and short and long term care ?with critical discussion, ?
•??current practices critically discussed with benefits and limitations linked ?to the case and diagnosis, ?
•??critical discussion of the of communication and rapport building ?techniques. ?
•?as DN above, but with outstanding synthesis and exploration of concepts
Student Description:
The conclusion should include:
•??a succinct summary of key points provided, ?
•??clear and succinct concluding statements and discussion, ?
•??and clear and succinct summary of supporting evidence. ?
Key points
F •??succinct summary of key points not provided, ?
•??concluding statements and discussion not provided, ?
•??supporting evidence not summarised. ?
P •??summary of key points, ?
•??concluding statements and discussion provided, ?
•??supporting evidence not summarised. ?
CR •??succinct summary of key points provided, ?
•??concluding statements and discussion provided, ?
•??supporting evidence summarised. ?
DN •??succinct summary of key points provided, ?
•??clear and succinct concluding statements and discussion provided, ?
•??clear and succinct summary of supporting evidence. ?
HD •?as DN above, but with outstanding summary of key discussion and evidence
Grade Key Points
•??The content is structured in a logical manner and directly related to the case. ?
•??Paragraphs and sentences are well structured with minimal repetition and linked to the subject matter. ?
•??Clear development of themes and/or discussion “arguments” based on critical review of the literature ?
•?Clear writing style and easily read.
•??Complete sentences and paragraphs with correct grammar and spelling. ?
•??Within 10% of word limit ?
•??Researched material is incorporated well into the discussion, cited correctly and an accurate reference list conforming to Author-Date (Harvard) System is provided. ?
•??peer reviewed sources used with limited use of textbook s (no web sites) ?
•??The use of primary references to support the critical evaluation of the case ?and concepts discussed ?
•??Clear use of the students own words when discussing referenced material, ?NO evidence of plagiarism ?
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