Motivational Training Memo
Imagine that your organization’s president has been asking you (as the Human Resource Leadership practitioner) to ensure that when sending people abroad, they are motivated to maintain high level of productivity and profitability per dollar spent. Write a motivational training memo, advising the president, and explain the following:
The need for alignment of corporate objectives and expat’s assignment. The required cultural, social, and technical competencies for expat’s assignments. The benefits of establishing a clear process for training, assigning, and repatriation of expats.
Explains the need for alignment of corporate objectives and expat’s assignment. 0/20 Describes the required cultural, social, and technical competencies for expat’s assignments. 0/20 Provides a rationale for the benefits of establishing a clear process for training, assigning, and repatriation of expats. 0/20 Memo follows established format (intended audience, subject or topic, date, and a concisely written body). 0/15 Memo uses clear, concise, complete sentences, transitions between paragraphs, standard spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 0/15 Memo includes at least three APA citations from different Online Library data sources. 0/10
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