Write a paper, 700-1000 words (3-5 pages) typeset in a standard serif font
(Garamond, Georgia, Palatino, Times, etc.) 11 or 12 pt., justified on both margins.* The paper should contain original research and conclusions, and should cite at least three sources. choose one of the following three topics
(1) A research paper outlining the interaction of a composer or performer with his or her cultural, social, and/or political climate. For example, a paper about Louis Armstrong would discuss how the cultural traditions of New Orleans influenced his career, and the way he created music. The composer or performer can be from any time period or style (for example, it could be ?Mozart,? or it could be ?Fleet Foxes?).
(2) An analysis of a single piece of music, and the forces of influence surrounding its creation. For example, a paper about Bob Dylan?s album, The Times They Are a-Changin?, would discuss how the lyrics and stylistic features of the music (tempo, instrumentation) was affected, or had an effect on the civil rights movement.
(3) An original musical composition, accompanied by a paper describing how you created it, what cultural, social, political, or personal forces influenced its creation, AND how your were influenced by the traditions and methods of composers and musicians you studied in the course
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