
MySQL View Commands

MySQL View Commands

1. CreateaviewnamedUnder_100.Itconsistsoftheitem_id,title,artist,unit_priceandorder_qtyforeveryprintwithaunit_price under 100 dollars.

2. CreateaviewnamedAllen.Itconsistsofthecustomer_id,customer_name,customer_phone,title,andartistofeachprint ordered.

3. Createaviewnamedorders.Itconsistsoftheitem_id,title,artist,unit_priceandorder_qtyforeveryprintorderedintherangeof 2014-01-01 and 2014-02-28.

4. Createaviewnamedzip_27.Itconsistsofthecustomer_name,customer_phone,title,artistanddate_shippedofeachprint ordered by a customer whose zip code begins with 27.

5. Createthefollowingindexes.Usetheindicatedindexname.

a. Createanindexnamedcustomer_idonthecustomer_idfieldinthecustomerstable.

b. Createanindexnamednameonthecustomer_namefieldinthecustomerstable.

c. Create an index named shipped on the customer_id and ship_date in the orders table.

6. Dropthenameindex.

7. Specifytheintegrityconstraintthattheunit_priceofanyprintmustbemorethan$35.

8. Ensurethatthefollowingareforeignkeys(thatis,specifyreferentialintegrity)withintheprintsdatabase. a. customer_idisaforeignkeyintheorderstable.

b. Item_idisaforeignkeyintheorderlinetable.

9. Addtotheitemstableanewcharacterfieldnamedtypethatisonecharacterinlength.

10.Change the type field in the items table to M for the print titled Skies Above.

11.Change the length of the artist field in the items table to 30.

12. What command would you use to delete the orders table from the prints database? (Do not delete the orders table.)

: A company named Pretty Prints is in the business of selling lithograph
prints created by local artists.
When an artist creates a lithograph, s(he) creates several hundred prints from it
. The company needs a
database to manage orders. You are to create a database for this purpose and enter the existing data. The
database should be named prints and is composed of the tables below
You are asked to do the following:
Download the mySQL database management system along with the mySQL workbench. Also download connector/J.
After the download you are to use SQL to create a database named prints which is composed of these tables.
Submit either a screenshot of the SQL commands or a script file containing the SQL into Moodle2 for grading.
customer_id customer_name customer
-add customer_city customer_state customer_zip customer_phone
1000 Cora Blanca 1555 Seminole Ct. Charlotte NC 28210 704/552.1810
1100 Yash Reed 878 Madison Ave. Greensboro NC 27407 336/316
1200 John Mills 4200 Olive Ave. Columbia SC 29206 803/432.6225
1300 David Cox 608 Old Post Rd. Decatur GA 30
0 404/243.7379
1400 Tina Evans 235 Easton Ave. Jacksonville FL 32221 904/992
1500 Will Allen 2508 W. Shaw Rd. Raleigh NC 27542 919/809.2545
1600 James Boyd 200 Pembury Ln. Columbia SC 29206
1700 Will Parsons 4990 S. Pine St. Raleigh NC 27545 919/355/0034
1800 Walter Kelly 1200 Little St. Columbia SC 29206 803/432
1900 Ann Damian 7822 N. Ridge Rd. Jacksonville FL 32216 904/725
2000 Grace Hull 4090Caldweld St. Charlott
e NC 28205 704/365.7655
2100 Jane Brown 3320 W. Main St. Charlotte NC 28210 704/372/9000
2200 Betty Draper 1600 Sardis Rd. Sarasota FL 32441 918/941
item_id title artist unit_price on_hand
100 Under the Sun Donald Arley 46.80 340
200 Dark Lady Keith Morris 120.99 250
300 Happy Days Andrea Reid 78.00 210
350 Top of the Mountain Janice Jones 110.00 290
400 Streets from Old Sharon Brune 123.00 320
450 The Hunt Walter Alford 39.99 390
600 Rainbow Row Judy Ford 46.00 350
700 Skies Above Alexander Wilson 98.00 275
800 The Seas and Moon Susan Beeler 67.81 235
850 Greek Isles Benjamin Caudle 76.00 300
order_id customer_id order_date ship_date
1 1200 2013-10-23 2013-10-28
2 1500 2013-10-30 2013-11-03
3 1500 2013-11-09 2013-11-14
4 2100 2013-11-15 2013-11-20
5 1600 2013-11-15 2013-11-20
6 1900 2013-12-15 2013-12-19
7 2200 2013-12-18 2013-12-22
8 1600 2013-12-20 2013-12-22
9 1000 2014-01-18 2014-01-23
10 2200 2014-01-31 2014-02-04
11 1500 2014-02-01 2014-02-06
12 1400 2014-02-27 2014-03-02
13 1100 2014-03-10 2014-03-15
14 1400 2014-03-14 2014-03-19
order_id item_id order_qty
1 800 2
1 600 1
2 700 3
2 300 2
3 850 1
4 200 4
4 100 1
4 850 1
5 450 1
6 800 2
7 300 2
7 600 2
8 100 1
9 100 3
10 450 6
10 600 8
10 200 4
11 700 2
12 300 3
12 700 4
13 200 2
13 600 10
13 450 4
14 700 8
14 200 6
14 800 4
14 450 2
 Submit completed work into Moodle2.
 Take a screenshot of the submission verification in the event you need proof of submission. Each student must work
independently on this assignment. No group work is allowed.
 You must use SQL commands to create the database and tables.

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