Namibia climatology Research Paper
Write a few explanatory paragraphs explaining the processes as indicated below. Your paragraphs on each topic should comprise introductory statement, the main body or explanation of and concluding statement. Use Times New Roman (size 12)or Arial (size 11) fonts and do not force justify. Paragraph formats should usespacing of 1.5between lines. Number your answers accordingly and use headings or subheadings where necessary. References are NOT compulsory and there is no limit to the number or type of references to be cited. Should you opt to include references, ensure consistency of referencing style for both within text citation e.g. (Jones and Jones 2004; Hutton et al.2008) or (Jones & Jones 2004, Huttonet al.2008) and in the reference list. Do not use different referencing styles. The assignments should be submitted before or on Friday, 20 September 2012, 16h30. Assignments should be physically handed in as hardcopies at my office (Library Block, Ground floor, Room 5, at Ogongo) or e-mailed to [email protected] or alternatively to [email protected] no later than the stipulated deadline (I prefer hardcopies). Late submission will be penalised by 5% for each day by which the assignment is late. Assessments of the assignment will take into account clarity of presentation, logical flow of arguments, comprehension, conceptualisation and illustrative presentation (figures, tables and diagrams). This assignment will constitute 30%of your Continual Assessment (CA) mark for this module. I have deliberately steered away from giving you essay assignmentsto avoid the malaise ofgross plagiarismand will harshly penalise anyone who makes themselves guilty of this vice. ? CAUTION: PLAGIARISM IS CRIME AND COULD HAVE SEVERE CONSEQUENCES!! 3 SECTION A: CLIMATOLOGY (i) Write two (2) short explanatory paragraphs on why the Earths temperature does not get hotter despite receiving more radiation (short-wave solar radiation) than it emits as long wave reradiating to the atmosphere. [10] (ii) Explain why Namibia has a predominantly arid climate based on the major air circulation patterns (as well as oceanic currents) responsible for precipitation and/or lack of it over the country. [15] (iii) Elaborate on the climatic phenomena known as El ?ino and La ?ina and their effect on the Namibian climate. [15] (50 marks) SECTION B: HYDROLOGY (i) Compare and contrast the GlobalHydrological Cycle to theNamibianHydrological Cycle in terms of estimates of the fluxes (volumes) in the various components. [10] (ii) Geophysical groundwater exploration undertaken by BGR in Namibia has unearthed two substantial groundwater reserves not previously known or exploited in the country in Eiseb Block Area of Omaheke Region and near Okongo in Ohangwena Region in recent years. Write three (3) paragraphs comparing and explaining the geo-hydrological attributes of these new resources in terms of the geological formations in which they occur, overlying geological formations, estimated stored volumes and sustainable yields as well as water quality parameters. Elaborate on why there is caution in exploiting either of these resources on a large scale. [30] (iii) In your own words explain in a few paragraphs why Namibia experiences difficulties in meeting demands for water supply by agriculture, industry and domestic use in spite of the presence of long coastline (and thus plentiful seawater), four perennial rivers of Zambezi, Kavango, Kunene and Orange and numerous underground aquifers. [10]
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