New media strategy
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Group Assignment: Implementation of New Media for Organizational Communication
The group assignment is designed to illustrate the potential impact, both positive and negative, of new media on an
organization. Each group will be assigned a profile of a fictitious company. As a team you are to create a reasonable
implementation timeline and tasks to take an organization from their current state of communication to a desired state
which incorporates new media tools. It is expected that that your group will consider a Phase I and Phase II approach for
implementation of new media tools for communication purposes. Meaning, you will prioritize new media tools
implementation for Phase I and identify which new media tools will be considered for implementation at some future time.
Your assignment should discuss in detail why you selected each of the new media tools for Phase I. No discussion is
needed for tools identified for Phase II except a single paragraph offering a general summary describing why the tools you
listed in Phase II are a lower priority than Phase I.
When deciding which tools to place into your Phase I and Phase II approach, you are to consider anything defined as a
new media tool that we have discussed in class lectures or discussions, or tools that fall into these categories which we
may not have discussed, but is considered a new media tool.
For example:
Your Phase I listing may include such items as:
? Collaboration technology
? Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, etc.
? Webconferencing
? Intranet Chat
? Video calls
Phase II may include items such as:
? YouTube
? Blogs
? Wikis
? Podcast technology
(These are just examples and have not been listed to indicate any presumed priority or importance. Such prioritization will
be determined by each group based on the company profile.)
Additional Guidance –
For the group paper the focus is to discuss the communication needs of your assigned organization. Based on these
needs, identify which category of new media tools would be the best choices to achieve the communication objectives
outlined in the scenario provided. So, if you think it makes sense, based on the scenario, to implement social media tools
in phase one, describe why and which ones and offer some indication of the benefit and potential challenges. Don’t
provide a detailed review and definition of the new media tool itself. As you discuss your organization’s communication
needs you will be able to determine which tools would be best suited for the purpose in Phase I and which in Phase II.
WAIT – you also have to remember that it is not just about the tool. The course brings us into discussions about other
factors that will impact the rollout of these tools. You have to include some element of discussion that shows you took
these “organizational environment” factors into consideration.
For the Individual paper the focus is not on which tools you selected for the organization to which you have been assigned
Instead, it is a self-reflective assessment of how well you all communicated with each other throughout the group project.
What tools of communication did you use? Which worked best, which did not? Why? What did you experiment? How did
you integrate new media communication tools with traditional means of communication?
The Assignment –
The graded assignment will be broken into two parts. One part is the group paper. This will consist of an 8-10 page
report, double spaced in APA format. The report is to be written from the perspective of a leadership task force assigned
the responsibility of assessing immediate needs, assessing the pros and cons, and developing a strategic plan for the
rollout of Phase I new media tools as part of organization-wide communication.
The second part of the assignment is to be completed individually and submitted separately to me via email. You
are to write a 1-2 page, double spaced in APA format, synopsis of how well you communicated throughout the duration of
the assignment, identifying which new media tools were used, and how effective they were.
Group Report
Implementation of any organization-wide initiative requires appropriate planning, skilled resources, financial support,
leadership support, expertise, and buy-in from those being impacted. Rolling out new media must consider where the
organization is today and where it is expected to be following a successful implementation. The report should identify the
benefits and risks associated with rolling out new media technology. It should identify which new media technology should
be a priority and which technologies can be held off for a future rollout. The report should summarize a general timeline
and major milestones of a plan for implementation. The rollout plan should be reasonable from a timeline standpoint and
consider items like technology upgrades, training, and ongoing communication to major stakeholder groups. Vital to the
report is the explanation of why any new media tools were selected to be part of Phase I. What benefit is anticipated that
make these selections appropriate for inclusion in Phase I?
? Determine which new media tools should and should not be company sponsored – and offer supporting reasons,
including business benefits or risks;
? Include a section that specifically addresses how new media tools impact and can be applied by the organization;
by the leadership, and by employees
? Offer research-based information pointing to the issues an organization must address when attempting to roll out
new media tools as part of communication vehicles for their organization’s benefit.
? Summarize by offering recommendations for a healthy balance of new media tools your organization should
support near term and which are inappropriate or not yet ready to be introduced and why.
Throughout the group’s planning and development of the report, it is expected that your team take advantage of new
media tools yourselves. You’re asked to be creative in how you communicate with each. Experiment with new media
tools, even ones you may have never used before. Include, after the references, a listing of all the new media tools your
group used throughout this assignment.
Individual Paper
As stated above, you’re being asked to use this assignment as a way to experiment with new media tools. You may find
that you have the ability to use video chat with some of your classmates; or, maybe a web conference; or, a wiki, r other
collaboration tool. Take note of how effective or ineffective each was and use this detail for your short individual summary.
Group B question – This organization is a for profit company started in 1970. They have offices in six US cities, Canada, and the
UK. They offer information services used by medical professionals. For years they were considered the gold-standard of
medical information publications. The majority of their materials have been in hard copy form. 3 years ago they acquired
an India based company to provide the capability to transfer books, papers, and journals to digital form, and to lead the
technology developments for future service offerings. The acquired company is based in India and has satellite offices in
the Philippines and Bulgaria. The parent company knows they need to translate their entire catalog to digital format.
Equally as important, they need to create new service offerings that include live medical conference streaming, selfservice
portals for hospital organizations and individual medical practitioners, and online training courses for various
industry certifications they sponsor, to name a few initiatives. The company has minimal web presence, no formalized
intranet, and constantly struggles with communicating between its offices. They need to balance servicing existing
customers while acquiring new ones during the transition to use of new media tools. Many existing customer as well as
potential customers view the organization as being behind the times from a technology standpoint and have little
knowledge of the transformations they are undertaking.
Notes for all assignments: Assignments must follow APA formatting. Title Page and Reference pages do not count in total required number of pages and must follow APA style. Appendices or supplemental material, if any, does not count toward the required number of pages and the inclusion of such is at the discretion of the writer. Omitting appendices or supplemental information will not have a negative impact on the report. However, creative and relevant extra material can have a positive influence on the overall assignment.
Note: it’s a group assignment so and we have outlined several new media “needs” that Company B needs to develop in order to grow their technology,So I have been assigned to write on (1): Translate catalog to digital format. (2). Greater web presence . You can write this 2 needs on 2 pages and on the last page For the Individual paper the focus is not on which tools you selected for the organization to which you have been assigned
Instead, it is a self-reflective assessment of how well you all communicated with each other throughout the group project.
What tools of communication did you use? Which worked best, which did not? Why? What did you experiment? How did
you integrate new media communication tools with traditional means of communication?
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