


Module 3: Using Evidence and Data to Shape Health Policy Assignment

Doctoral students are expected to be able to lead and/or work effectively in teams. For this assignment, students may work in self-selected groups of 2 to 5 students. The names of all students in the group should be identified on the title page of the assignment. Each group member should submit a copy of the final paper in Canvas and the submissions for all members must be identical.

Purpose and Goals: The objectives and student learning outcomes for this course include applying quantitative and/or qualitative analyses to databases for the formulation and evaluation of health policy alternatives for improving prevention and population health efforts.

This exercise will provide students with the opportunity to examine and describe current data and evidence relative to a selected clinical preventive service/intervention and the implications for policy formation and/or funding—keeping “opportunity cost” in mind. Review the content of Chapter 86 (Family and Sexual Violence: Nursing and US Policy) in the Mason text; this piece illustrates how data and evidence can be used to inform or shape health policy recommendations.

Guidelines: •Select a clinical prevention/population health intervention or issue of interest. (Hint: Reviewing the US Preventive Services Task Force Guidelines can be helpful in terms of generating ideas). •Using course references and other resources as necessary for successful completion of this assignment, retrieve, examine, and appraise current literature (evidence) and data relative to the selected preventive intervention or issue of interest. Apply an established level of evidence hierarchy when appraising and describing current evidence/literature. Example tools from the Johns Hopkins EBP Model are accessible via the links at the bottom of the page—though other frameworks are also acceptable. •In a 3 to 5 page APA formatted paper (excluding the title page and references), summarize the current state of knowledge/evidence on the intervention or topic and the implications of this evidence for health policy. •Data and references should be current (typically not more than 5 years old); seminal and/or classic works are an exception.

Click here to access the evaluation rubric for this assignment. Preview the documentView in a new windowReview the evaluation criteria carefully and note that 50% of the points are allocated to organization/coherence, mechanics, and APA formatting.

Johns Hopkins Appendix C – Evidence Level and Quality GuidePreview the documentView in a new window

Johns Hopkins Appendix E – Research Evidence Appraisal ToolPreview the documentView in a new window

Johns Hopkins Appendix F – Non-research Evidence Appraisal ToolPreview the documentView in a new window

Johns Hopkins Appendix H – Synthesis and Recommendation ToolPreview the documentView in a new window

Johns Hopkins Appendix I – Synthesis of Evidence Guide  Preview the documentView in a new window

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