OBJECTIVE of Assignment: You are to apply microeconomic theory to explain and analyse an article.
1. You are to select a newspaper/magazine/web article for your microeconomic analysis.
a. The main article must relate to ANY two or more of the topics Demand and Supply, Elasticity, Economic Efficency, and Behavioral Economics and Asymmetric Information)
b. The main article must have been written after 1st January, 2015.
c. Article can be internationally focused, so long as it’s in English.
d. You should back up some of your key points or use for data purposes by having several relevant supplementary articles—either from peer-reviewed journals or other news sources. You should cite your use of other sources via appropriate in-text referencing.
e. Your microeconomics diagrams can either be hand-drawn and then scanned and inserted as a ‘picture’ into your
working document, or (preferred method) be drawn by using appropriate computer/web software —
Submit Electronic copy of your assignment INCLUDING a scanned printed copy of your main article
1500-1800 words (excluding reference list). Suitable length: 1500-1600 words
a. single-spaced
b. line spacing between each paragraph
c. body of text justified
d. font size 12 in Calibri or Verdana
e. 2.5cm margins on the Left & Right
f. 2.0cm margins on the Top & Bottom
g. pages to be consecutively numbered and identified
In summary, you are to select a newspaper/magazine/web article for economic analysis. The article must relate to two or more of the microeconomics topics. The article must also have been written after 1st January, 2015. You are to apply relevant economic theory to explain and analyse your chosen article. The assignment should be approximately 1500-1600 words in length and include (where relevant) well-labelled diagrams. You should be presenting your assignment in essay style, where the body of the essay is divided into the following four sections: introduction; analysis; conclusions; and references. Layout of Assignment (in the one document)
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