Pedagogical practices: examining the links between effective teaching practices and children’s learning (Early Childhood)
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Pedagogical practices: examining the links between effective teaching practices and children’s learning
Assessment purpose
Early childhood educators are required to use effective teaching strategies that promote children’s learning. This task requires you to demonstrate your understanding of specific pedagogical practices and examine the relationship between effective teaching and improved learning outcomes for young children, making clear links to the mandated documents (EYLF, VEYLDF) and theory, which informs teaching practice.
Assessment details
This 2000 word essay requires you to focus on three pedagogical practices from the EYLF that are effective and lead to improve learning outcomes for children. You must include: Intentional teaching and Learning through play and a third practice you choose (Do not use Assessment for Learning). Discuss their purpose and why they are important for effective teaching practice, and how they lead to improved learning outcomes for children. Provide strong support from relevant theory, and the guiding documents that support these practices.
Assessment criteria
• demonstrates an ability to outline links between effective teaching and children’s learning outcomes
• Demonstrates an understanding of effective pedagogical practices and the relationship to theory
• Links to the guiding documents
• Clear written expression and structure
• Integrates relevant theory, including the essential weekly readings, (minimum of 15 references) and uses referencing (APA) accurately in the essay and Reference List
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