
Per unit calculation Research Paper

Per unit calculation Research Paper

 see attached:Calculate:(a) the line current(b) the generator terminal line-to-neutral and line-to-line voltages(c) the generator complex power ( i.e., the generator P and Q ) Document Preview: 4PD2 Assignment 1 Due: Thursday, September 20, 2012 Question 1: A 3-phase generator supplies a load via a transmission line as shown below: System data is as follows: Line data: Line impedance = 8 + j40 O, Shunt capacitance = 0.5 microfarads at both ends Load data: load voltage = 220 kV (line-to-line) Power factor of the load = 0.75 lagging Load = 150 MW Calculate: (a) the line current (b) the generator terminal line-to-neutral and line-to-line voltages (c) the generator complex power ( i.e., the generator P and Q ) Question 2: Use PSSE to verify your answers to Question 1. PSSE Simulation Steps: Step 1: Initiate PSSE Step 2: Open a new network case >file >new > network case >OK > click OK on default Base MVA (=100.) and Base Frequency (=60.) Step 3: Enter bus data Bus number 1: bus name = gen, base kV = 220, code = 3 Bus number 2: bus name = load, base kV = 220, code = 1 After you are done with the data entry, click anywhere on the last line to finish this step. Step 4: Enter plant data Bus number 1: Vsched (pu) = xxxx (your answer from Question 1) Make sure you enter the scheduled voltage in pu. After you are done with the data entry, click anywhere on the last line to finish this step. Step 5: Enter machine data Bus number 1: ID = 1 (first machine) You dont need to enter anything else since this is your swing bus. Click anywhere on the last line to finish this step. Step 6: Enter load data Bus number 2, Pload (MW) = 150, Qload (Mvar) = xxxx Step 7: Enter branch data From Bus Number = 1, To Bus Number = 2, Id = 1, Line R (pu) = xxxx, Line X (pu) = xxxx, Charging (pu) = 2*3.1416*60*capacitance Click anywhere on the last line to finish this step. Step 8: Save the temporary results >file >save > enter your file name Step 9: Solve the load flow >Power Flow >Solution >Solve by using either Newton or Gauss >Click the Solve button Step 10: Check results >loadflow >reports > the following buses: 1, 2 Step 11: Save your final load flow file >file >save >enter your file Attachments: Assignment-1.pdf

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