Personal Diet Analysis Project – Part 2
Personal Diet Analysis Project – Part 2
Nicole LaBarbiera
Professor Sharp
12 February 2017
3-Day Diet
1. Thursday
Scrambled eggs made with two eggs, a pinch of salt, two onions and a pinch of pepper accompanied by toasted bread and a glass of orange as a beverage.
A serving of Chicken thighs made with 3 pieces of boneless chicken thighs, ½ teaspoon of salt, ¼ teaspoon of pepper, ¼ teaspoon of paprika, ½ a lemon, 1 onion,
two tomatoes, two sticks of coriander served with a ½ a cup of freshly boiled rice. The meal also comprises a serving of a salad made with 1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 garden
red chili, chopped cabbage leaves and 1 spoon of mayonnaise.
Drink- I cup of apple juice.
One banana after the meal
Whole-Grain Spaghetti with Garlic flavored Kale and Tomatoes made with 250 grams of spaghetti noodles, kale leaves, and two halved grape tomatoes, one chopped onion,
and ½ teaspoon of salt.
Drink: 1 full glass of milk
A pear or an apple after the meal
2. Friday
1 bowl Granola cereal mixed in milk, a cup of low fat strawberry or vanilla yogurt, one piece of sliced apple to add fruit to the meal.
A single serving of a plate of freshly made chips and 2 sausages from McDonald’s made with potatoes and pork for the sausages. Topped with a squeeze of tomato sauce, a
pinch of freshly ground pepper and tablespoon of mayonnaise. Two red plums to add a fruit to the meal
Drink- A glass of cold freshly made orange or pineapple juice made from blended oranges or pineapples.
Breaded Baked Tilapia and With a serving of freshly boiled white rice made with ¾ cup of bread crumbs, 1/4 of grated cheese, 1/4 teaspoon of pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of
salt and 2 tilapia fillets each weighing 4 ounces as well as a cup of freshly boiled rice. 1 lemon to be squeeze into the fillets when eating.
Drink- 1 cup of milk or iced tea
3. Saturday
French toast made with four pieces of sliced bread, one egg, a pinch of salt. The meal also includes a banana and a glass of cold low fat milk.
A single bowl serving of Creamy Potato Salad with Bacon made with ½ a pound of potatoes, a pinch of black pepper, a pinch of salt, 2 slices of bacon, ¼ a cup
of cream, a tablespoon of vinegar, 2 spoons of tarragon, coriander.
Drink- Half a glass of Coca-Cola.
A serving of bacon-topped tuna and rice bake made of 5 grams of butter, 4 tablespoons of flour, ½ a cup of milk, 1 green onion, 160g tuna, ¼ cup of peas, four
tablespoons of lemon juice, ½ a piece of bacon rashers, a tablespoon of cheese, 1 lemon, a teaspoon of mustard and a cup of long-grain precooked rice. A banana to add
flavor to the diet.
Drink- 1 cup of milk
SCI 1050 Nutrition
Personal Diet Analysis Project – Part 2 (150 points)
Username: password: Weed0224!
Step 1 – Keep your food record
• Record your food and beverage intake for 3 days (preferably 2 week days and 1 weekend day).
o You will need to submit this as part of the assignment.
Step 2 – Analyze your food record
• Enter your 3 days of food records into the iProfile nutrient analysis program on the WIleyPlus website.
o Go to the WileyPlus website and click on the iProfile link on the right side of the home page.
o Create your profile, inputting your personal data (this is only seen by you).
o Use the food journal to track food intake.
• Once you have entered each day, you can create reports of the nutrients you consumed by clicking on the Reports pull down menu.
o All reports are listed on the left side of the page.
The info you need about number of servings from each food group is listed in the MyPlate report.
o To get info about amounts of nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals) use the Intake Compared to DRI report.
o Be sure to download and save your reports as you will need to submit these as part of the assignment.
Using the Nutrient Intake Reports, fill in the tables below.
Nutrients My DRI My Intakes Adequate (yes/no)
Saturated fat
Unsaturated fat
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Food Group Percent of target
1. Respond to the following questions/statements. Write complete sentences using proper grammar and correct spelling.
It is important to eat the correct number of calories.
o Where did the majority of your calories come from?
o Did you eat too little or too much?
o Any concerns about your caloric intake?
o Describe any possible health problems that can occur if your calorie intake is too high AND if your calorie intake is too low.
o The Dietary Guidelines recommend eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy (or dairy alternatives) as your main source of carbohydrates. How did you
do with meeting your requirements for each group?
o Were these types of foods the main source of your carbohydrate intake? Give examples.
o Did you eat enough fiber?
What foods were your best sources of fiber?
What are the health benefits of eating the recommended amount of fiber? What happens to your body if you do not eat enough?
o Did you consume many refined carbohydrates, either as white flour products and/or sources of sugar (include white sugar, honey, agave nectar, etc. in your
answer)? Was your intake of these added sugars at an acceptable level?
o Did you stay within the recommended percentages for total fat? Saturated fat? Unsaturated fat?
o What are the health concerns associated with too much saturated fat?
o What are the essential fats?
What are the health benefits of the essential fats? What happens to your body if you do not take in sufficient amounts of them?
How well did you with your consumption of them? Be sure to list food sources.
o How well did you do at meeting your requirement for protein?
o What was the main source of that protein?
o Why is eating too much protein a concern? What about consuming too little?
Vitamins, Minerals, and Phytochemicals
o Did you get 100% of most of the vitamins and minerals? If not identify some specific concerns for vitamins or minerals with poor intake.
o Do you feel that you are at risk for deficiency or toxicity with vitamins and minerals?
o Did you eat at least 7-9 fruits and vegetables daily? If not, how might you incorporate more into your diet?
o How adequate is your consumption of phytochemicals? List the best sources of phytochemicals that you consumed.
Why is it important to consume foods with phytochemicals? Discuss the health benefits.
o Looking at your fluid intake for the day, how well hydrated do you think you are?
o Describe potential health concerns that occur with poor hydration.
2. Now, review your Personal Diet Analysis Project – Part 1 that you submitted in Week 2. Compare this with your current diet record.
How do the two diet records compare? Be sure to discuss the differences and similarities in detail.
Have you made any positive changes over the course of the term? If so, describe them here.
3. Based upon the questions above and an overall personal analysis of your dietary intake, identify at least 3 changes that would improve your diet. State your
reasons for making these changes – be specific.
4. What barriers might you encounter while trying to achieve those changes list in Question 4? Discuss specific strategies you might use to overcome them.
Food record
Weekday 1
Breakfast: Half brown bread with butter and 1 Medium glass of mango juice
Snack: 1 sausage roll with chocolate croissant and 3 small cups of water
Lunch: 2 eggs, chips and a 500ml diet coke
Dinner: Spaghetti and Tomato sauce salad plus two medium sized cups of water
Week day 2
Breakfast: Skimmed milk and toast with butter
Snack: apple and crisps with a cup of coffee
Lunch: McDonalds Burger and Chips, a glass of milk
Dinner: Spaghetti and Tomato sauce salad plus two medium sized cups of water then a 350ml bottle of whisky
Weekend (Saturday)
Breakfast :Toasted croissant with butter, glass of mango juice
Snack: chocolate
Lunch: Beef pie with salad plus some cheese
Dinner: curry with a plateful of rice, three biscuits and two cups of coffee
2 bottles of beer.
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