
personal leadership statement

personal leadership statement

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Personal Leadership Statement
I perceive leadership as a potential ability to contribute largely to a business, organization, or team. In fact, after considering my personal life experiences and the continuous involvement at the Phoenix University residence I have concluded that my success lies in the fact that my personal leadership is not only I am able to lead successful without a lot instructions, but at the same time I am able to bring team-members together to contribute to the overall contribution of a project/goal.
As a practitioner, I could clearly concluded that I have faced many life situation where I was able to use contribute my knowledge in the field of finances. For example, I could recall a situation when I was asked my top level management to work with other employers in a pricing model. Yet, at first the task seems very challenging and confusing. Since it requires to acquired outside knowledge beyond expertise. At the end of the project, not only was able to design a pricing model for the treasury department, but I also trained the staff in the new pricing model. In fact I felt a sense of accomplished to be able to contribute to the firm.
As a result of my leadership involvement, I have learned that, in order to influence my peers, I need to be able to communicate with them clearly, but most importantly, share my vision and be able to accept recommended changes. For example, I recall a situation at my workplace in which we needed to meet a deadline for a project due in only two days. I created a timeline to complete the project, but when I presented the timeline to my staff, they were all very distrusting that the timeline was going to work, due to the level of complexity of the project. However, I was able to convince my staff that if we all work together, we could accomplish our goal on time.
During my doctoral course residency, I was able to incorporate the concepts of scholarship, practice, and leadership by questioning and learning from others. As I became more aware of myself as a leader, I learned that one of the most significant lessons that I needed to understand was that not everything is going to be perfect. When I lead others, I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself. Therefore, one of the questions I ask myself, now that I have experience leading, is how can I cope better with an unstable situation during a time of stress? As a leader, I want to be able to influence others in positive ways, but without imposing my own vision.

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