persuasive speech
6:30 min persuasive speech and outline.
spech can be any interesting or funny idea.
(The italicized portions are intended to be guidelines and helpful suggestions)
I. Attention Step
(Purpose:to overcome the “ho-hum” attitude of listeners and direct their wide awake attention to the subject.)
(Technique:startling statements, questions, illustrations, humorous anecdote, reference to the subject or occasion.)
A. Secure the attention of the audience
B. Introduce the topic area
C. Establish credibility of the speaker
II. Need Step
(Purpose:describe the problem so that the listener feelspersonallyconcerned about the situation.
A. Statement:a clear, concise statement or description of the need/problem(Technique: Point out what is wrong and how bad it is or point out the danger which threatens the continuance of present good conditions.)
B. Illustration:one or more examples (or incidents) which illustrate the need
C. Ramification:Employ as many additional examples, statistical data, testimony or quotations, and other forms of support as are required to show the extent of the need
D. Pointing:a convincing demonstration of how the need directly affects the people addressed (their health, happiness, security, or other interests)
III. Satisfaction Step
(Purpose:Present the solution so that the listener will feel that your proposal is sound and sensible.
A. Statement:briefly state the attitude, belief, or action you wish the audience to adopt
B. Explanation:explain your proposal or solution clearly
C. Theoretical Demonstration:show how your solution logically meets the problem pointed out in the need step
D. Workability:if appropriate, present examples showing that this solution has worked effectively in the past or that this belief has been supported by experience.Use facts, figures, and expert testimony to support your claim as to the workability of your purpose or idea
E. Meeting Objections:Forestall opposition by answering possible objections that might be raised.
IV. Visualization Step
(Purpose:Intensify desire by projecting the listener into the future so that he can visualize the results of adopting your proposal. Paint vivid word pictures but do not be unrealistic.
Show how your proposed solution will help eliminate or correct the problem in the future, or what will happen in the future if nothing is done to solve the problem.
(Technique:1.Positive method—describe conditions as they will be in the future if the solution youpropose is carried out.
2. Negative method—describe conditions as they will be in the future if the solution you propose is not carried out.)
V.Action Step
Move the audience to actually do something in order to put your solution into effect.This step would only be used if the goal of your speech was to move the audience to action. This step would only be used if the goal of your speech was to move the audience to action.
(Purpose:Briefly clinch the points with a specific appeal for audience response.)
(Techniques—useone of these:
1. Challenge or Appeal—A definite appeal to take a specific course of action or to feel or believe in some definite way.Be brief, compelling, and more or less emphatic.
2. Summary—A quick recapitulation of main points together with a suggestion of the belief or action you want adopted.
3. Quotation—A convincing statement by an established authority which suggests the response you seek.
4. Illustration-A telling incident or story which contains the kernel of the idea or suggests what you want the audience to accept.
5. Personal Intention—A statement of your own intention to take the course of action recommended.
This five step plan for organizing a persuasive speech is synthesized from outlines presented by Alan H. Monroe (Principles of Speech) and by Gronbeck et al (Principles and Types of Communication, 11th ed.)
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