Pharmaceutical Evaluation Report
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H50 3230 Medical Terminology
Pharmaceutical Evaluation Report
Due: April 26, 2015
50 points
Select a medication that is being advertised by pharmaceutical companies to consumers
through television, radio, lnternet, etc.
o What are the FDA-approved indications for this drug?
0 What is the mechanism of its therapeutic effect?
0 What are the manufacturer’s claims for the drug in the advertisement?
0 What are the stated contraindications?
o What are the stated side effects?
o A vocabulary list of at least 5 words not previously known and their definitions.
If you do not learn 5 new words while doing the research for your report, you
may include words that you learned in this class to make the total of 5 words.
For example, if you learned 3 new words while doing your research, you may
add 2 more words that you learned in class. Use at least 1 different resource (other
than the textbook) for your definitions; identify which resources you used for each
Name your file Pharm.Lastname.Firstname. For example, my file would be
named: Pharm.Schenck.Kim
The link you utilized needs to be submitted with your report. Failure to do so
will result in a grade of zero.
Grades will be based on meeting the information requirements described above and
While you will submit your assignment in the dropbox on Blackboard (with zero points
listed), your grade for the assignment (worth 50 points) will be posted in the same
gradebook as the chapter activities.
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