
Philosophical Position on Students with Severe Developmental Disabilities Paper

Philosophical Position on Students with Severe Developmental Disabilities Paper

Philosophical Position on Students with Severe Developmental Disabilities Paper

Paper Details
Now that you have finished your first week in this class, reviewed several sources, and discussed issues with peers and your instructor related to students with severe

developmental disabilities, write a two to three page paper on how your initial philosophical response you posted in your introduction has been strengthened or changed

over the week. Include the following discussion points:

Inclusive education for students with SD;

Access to the grade-appropriate, general education, common core curriculum for students with SD;

On-going instruction of functional skills across the grade span for students with SD;

Examples or rationale as to what has led you to your philosophical position; and

What you want your general education colleagues and building administrators to understand about students with SD.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and other resources. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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