
Is this plagirized? Research Paper

Is this plagirized? Research Paper

There are many similarities between Shakespeares comedies A Midsummer Nights Dream and Twelfth Night. Both involve other-world settings, happy romantic endings, and mistaken identities. But they differ in how they portray illusion and they show different relationships of character to it and to its effects. Shakespeares treatment of the two characters Malvolio and Bottom is a good example of the contrasts between the two plays. In A Midsummer Nights Dream, Bottom is a always a comedy figure. In Twelfth Night, on the other hand, Malvolio is both a comic and a tragic figure. These differences come from differences in character, and they are the reason Twelfth Night opposes illusion and acquires wistfulness, whereas A Midsummer Nights Dream does not. Both plays are set in illusion. A Midsummer Nights Dream includes fairies in its cast and the title suggests a dream-like world of make-believe. While the reader can easily see the fairies in this text, they are mysterious and stand in sharp contrast to the more serious human characters, thus making their presence even more ethereal and dreamlike. Interestingly, all of the fairies and supernatural entities in A Midsummer Nights Dream are shadowy in some senses, especially because they operate under the cover of night and without the knowledge of the humans. In many ways, shadows that offend in this case means not just Puck, but all of the fairies in general since they separate apart from human activity. The shadows present inTwelfth Nightare not literally shadowy beings, but the shadows of reality. The very idea of a shadow is that of a blurred representation of reality and through the consistent gender bending and disguise of characters such as Viola, reality itself is not what appearances convey until the very conclusion. In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare again uses the title to indicate that Violas world is different from the everyday world. Twelfth Night is a time when the natural order is reversed, and revelry or the Lord of Misrule becomes most important. Olivia falls in love with a boy so young his voice hasnt changed (1.4.32-33), and Viola and her brother meet and do not recognize each other until they talk about moles on their fathers face (5.1.242-43). ). Both plays exist in very similar imaginary worlds. EXCERPT #2 One method of qualitative research is known as in-depth interviewing. This is when the moderator or interviewer will speak one-on-one with customers to hear that the customers individual circumstances and their opinions on a product or service. The idea is to hear what these people have to say by themselves so that they feel less pressured into giving a certain answer over another. Holding in-depth interviews with a number of different people is more beneficial, but very time consuming. Usually its best to interview different types of customers who come from different cultures or upbringings to get a varied perspective. However, it is still necessary to interview people that are your potential customers to your company, otherwise, the research obtained is not any good for your company. Another method of qualitative research is called a focus group. This is when the moderator or interviewer will ask a small group to hear the customers collective circumstances and their opinions on a product or service. The idea is to allow the customers to talk to one another. The focus interview is less structured than the in-depth interview, allowing for more natural responses. Focus groups provide important feedback about new products, etc. In particular, focus groups can provide invaluable information about the potential market acceptance of the product. Quantitative marketing research can also be used by organizations for specific questions about a market as a whole, not so much the individual organization. This type of research is good for gathering information about prices, spending habits, geographic distribution, inventory, etc. Quantitative data is used to help measure things in the macro environment such as market size. The most common way to gather data for quantitative analysis are surveys and questionnaires. These provide a lot of detail and accuracy. If you are looking for information that is more relevant to your organization send out surveys to people who are interested in your products.

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