Plan for Completing the Dissertation
Plan for Completing the Dissertation (1 page)
Now that you are completing your proposed Dissertation Prospectus, it is appropriate to look ahead at completing the
dissertation itself. The entire process will be much smoother if you take time at the beginning to plan each step and consider how you will go about achieving your research plans.
Post by Day 3 your plan for completing your dissertation. In your plan, be sure to list specific milestones and your timetable for completing these milestones, and when, specifically (e.g., in the evening, on weekends, etc.), you will work on your dissertation. Also, comment on how you will keep your dissertation committee informed of your progress.
Role of employers in preventing falls at the workplace
Safety at work is one of the main responsibilities of employers to their employees. It is the duty of employers to prevent injury or death to their employees. Lack of safety at the workplace produces fear that affects the efficiency and productivity of employees. In the case of employees working in high-risk environments such as elevated locations, the employer has a role of preventing falls in the workplace.
Employers and safety in the workplace
– OSHA requirements
– Legal requirements
Types of falls
– Roofing falls
– Trusses falls
– Stairways and ladders
– Arial lift falls
– Tree falls during trimming and lumbering
Common causative effects of a fall
– Equipment malfunction such as cranes, elevator malfunction
– Lack of safety awareness
– Weather phenomena such as winds and rain that can causes slips
– Poor organization of articles and equipment at the workplace
Fall prevention tools, equipment and techniques
– Safety belts
– Harness
– Lanyards
– Regular tool maintenance
– Safety studies and stress tests on equipment
– Recommendations to cover gaps in employee protection from falls
– Summary analysis of employers, employees and falls
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