
play and pedagogy

play and pedagogy

Respond to the following:

Design a complex, meaningful, and joyful outdoor play-based learning experience for children aged birth to five years.

For this assessment, you are to:
Consider Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.

Consider the theoretical perspectives which view learning, play, and culture as interrelated (and associated prescribed and additional readings).

Consider the role of the adult in play and the child?s whole play experience.

Consider your responses to weekly reflective questions, throughout the unit.

Design a complex, meaningful, and joyful play-based learning experience for young children.

Your design of the experience should include the following information:

The rationale for the experience: why? Refer to the Early Years Learning Framework and to contemporary theoretical perspectives on play & culture to support your choice of learning experience.

The age of the children (can be anywhere between birth and age five).

How you would prepare the environment define the location and quality of the environment (e.g. constructing a semi-permanent symbolic play experience).

What materials you would need and how the children and families could help you to source the materials.

How you would involve the children in the planning, construction, and evolution of the learning experience.
How you might connect to children?s prior knowledge (you need to make some assumptions here).

How you would organize time, and how the children would participate (e.g. group size).

What outcomes you would be working towards in supporting children?s learning (refer to Early Years Learning Framework outcomes).

How you would interact with the children (the role of the adult).

How you would observe, interpret, and document the experience (assessment).

Creating a ?complex? experience means making it ?open? enough so that there are different ways in which children can participate, collaborate, and socially construct knowledge. It also means thinking of how the experience could be extended into the future so that it is not an ?isolated? ?activity? to keep children busy, but an enjoyable, creative, and authentic learning experience. Making it ?meaningful? means it must connect to children?s prior knowledge and interests. Making it ?joyful? means that you need to consider fun as a key element of the experience.

Refer to unit reflective questions to guide you in understanding what you should be focusing on in planning a learning experience for children. Also refer to the EYLF, to contemporary theoretical perspectives, cultural views on play, theories on the role of the adult, etc. to support your choices. Web conferencing and online discussion leading up to the assessment will be used to support your understanding of how to develop a learning experience ? so do participate in the discussions.

In the body of your assessment, refer back to your parents? responses (Assessment 1) to guide you in suggesting ways in which you could encourage parents to value and/or participate in your chosen learning experience.

Remember that joy underlies play ? make it enjoyable.

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