Post Graduate studies in Spirituality. References: 1. Wilkiw Au and Cannon – A spirituality of integration – Urgings of the heart. 2. Chittester J. Scarred by Struggle, transformed by hope. 3. Kurtze The Spiritua;lity of imperfection. 4. Lerner, The Dance of Intimacy. 5. Tyrell. Urgent Longings: Reflections on infatuations. 6. Whitehead – A sense of Sexuality – Christian love and Intimacy. 7. Whitfield, Healing the Child Within. also Erikson, Anna freud and Piaget.
Topic: Sexuality, Spirituality and Intimacy – DS9126F I would need space to write personal information. The essay is 6000 words. Therefore, I will be writing 2000 or so to integrate with your essay. Write a summary of Erikson’s stages of pyshosocial development and integfrate it with your own lived experience. The main area will be adolescence. We will use the gramework of the Spiritual exercise )Ignatius) concepts such as psychosexual development, shame, fear guilt, inmtimacy, grief and loss
Critically explore adolescence as a socio-cultural and psychological construct and the ways this time in the life cycle, focusses on Who am I in terms of sexuality, spirituality and intimacy. Theories explored. Erikson, Anna Freud Jean Piaget and any other recent. We will examine intellectual and moral developmen, vocational intimacy and sexuality femininity and masculinity and the roles in identity development during adolescent.
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