
power point Hum-150 romance gene- on Titanic movie

power point Hum-150 romance gene- on Titanic movie

this is an assignment that was done wrong with plagiarism and the instructor is giving me until tomorrow to turn it in Can some one help

This is what the instructor wrote on the comments: You will need to re-do this. Do not copy/paste unoriginal content into assignments (or discussions obviously). It doesn’t matter if you list the website in your references. You also need quotes for all outside material used. The assignment is not a research paper. It’s fine to use some selective research to support your points but they need to be your points, in your own words.


Create a 6- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation describing your selected genre and how your chosen film fits or does not fit the standard model for each of these genres.

Include the following:

  • Description of your selected genre
  • Description of the film’s following components:
    • Summary of the film’s story
    • Setting & lighting
    • Makeup & costumes
    • Music & sound
  • Discussion of the film as either typical or atypical of its genre and how the film’s components support your view

Address social context aspects of film as discussed in Ch. 10 of Film by writing the following for inclusion on one Microsoft® PowerPoint® slide:

  • Discuss your film in terms of its social context. What influences from its time period are present in the film? Consider how the film might be different were it made in another time and place. Why and how would it be different?

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


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