
Prepare a package of the original case study

Prepare a package of the original case study

Prepare a package of the original case study and a copy of the coded questions you prepared last week. Include a copy as a separate document with your submission. Proofread your paper for final submission, changing items as needed for a professional presentation. Prepare a management report to present to the company.

Include at least 15 pages, not including your title page and reference page. Assemble your report in this order (already completed items are shown in parenthesis from the corresponding week you completed them):

Title Page (week 1)
Executive Summary (week 6)
Table of Contents (week 6)
Introduction (week 1)
Problem Statement (week 1)
Research Objectives (week 1)
Background Material (week 3)
Sampling Design (week 4)
Research Design (week 2)
Data Analysis (week 5)
Limitations (week 3)
Findings (week 5)
Conclusions (week 6)
Recommendations (week 6)
References (week 2

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