
What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network?

What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network?

Week 1 discussion Scholarly Discussion What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network? Please

cite the sources used to support your response. Week 2 discussion Scholarly Databases vs. Websites What is the difference between a scholarly database and a website?

How do you know if a website is credible? Week 3 discussion AACN Essentials of Master’s Education Compare and contrast the AACN Essentials of Master’s Education with

the CCN mission, philosophy, and MSN Program Outcomes. Week 4 discussion Conducting a Library Search The choice of Boolean terminology can markedly affect your search

returns. Select a topic related to your area of practice, and select two scholarly databases to find information on the topic. Describe the search. What key words did

you use? How many articles did your initial search yield? How did you narrow or expand the search? How many articles did you find once you narrowed or expanded the

search? Summarize the results from the search. Week 5 discussion PICO (T) The PICO (T) format is a way to develop a clinical question that lends itself to searching

for evidence. Select a common nursing practice (e.g., wound care management) in your clinical setting and formulate a PICO question. Once you have formulated your

question, conduct a library search and locate one scholarly article that addresses the topic you have selected. Post your clinical question in the TD, explain the

PICO(T) elements, and provide a full reference of the article you selected. There are tutorials in the Chamberlain Library specific to PICO and performing a literature

search. Week 6 discussion Clinical Significance Explore these issues on the Internet and through other resources. Share what you find out on these topics: Confidence

Intervals: Why are they useful in helping to determine clinical significance? There are many controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance vs.

statistical significance. Identify one of them and summarize it. Finish with your opinion about the controversy. Week 7 discussion Creating a Professional Presentation

Think about good and not-so-good professional presentations that you have attended in the past. Give an example of what made an effective presentation. Give another

example of what detracted from their ability to deliver a message to the audience. Week 8 discussion What Did You Learn Reflecting on this course, consider and answer

the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials and information learned in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate your practicum project?

How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice? Week 1 Course Information Assessment 1.Question : The course outcomes

are based upon _____. American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials of Master’s Education Course Outcomes learning objectives student participation Question

2. Question : The discussion posting criteria can be found in _____. (Choose three answers for a total of 2 points.) the Dropbox Course Resources the Student Handbook

the syllabus Question 3. Question : The assignments and readings for the week can be found in the _____. (Choose two answers for a total of 2 points.) Course Resources

files Dropbox Syllabus weekly Assignments pages Question 4. Question : The student must provide a substantive answer supported by outside scholarly sources to the

threaded discussion forum by _____. Monday at 11:59 p.m. MT Tuesday at 11:59 a.m. MT Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT Question 5. Question : A

student must post a minimum of _____ time(s) on three different days in each discussion thread. one two three four Question 6. Question : The Library can be accessed

via _____. (Choose three answers for a total of 2 points.) ASPIRE http://my.chamberlain.edu/library the Student Resources link Syllabus in NR500 (but it may not be so

in other classes) Question 7. Question : You are writing a paper for an assignment and you are unsure about grammar issues. Which source would you choose for help?

ASPIRE Course Resources Dropbox Smarthinking Turnitin Question 8. Question : Which criteria describe a substantive peer response? (Choose four that apply for a total

of 3 points.) Adds content or insights Asks a question that will add to the learning experience Generates more discussion Posted by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT

Supported by scholarly information Question 9. Question : A response to the instructor in the discussions is considered a peer response. True False Question 10.

Question : You have a written assignment that must be submitted to Turnitin. Where would you look for information on how to use Turnitin? Course Resources Library

Smartthinking Syllabus Question 11. Question : You submit an assignment to Turnitin and the similarity report is 26%. What should you do? (Choose four answers for a

total of 3 points.) Do nothing and submit the assignment as is. the areas that indicate high similarity. Look at the highlighted areas for more information. Paraphrase

my work. Resubmit the assignment to Turnitin after ing it. Question 12. Question : You have an emergency that will affect your ability to complete your assignment on

time. Who should you contact first? Advisor ASPIRE Course instructor Student Services Question 13. Question : You are taking a course that has an e-book but you really

prefer to have a printed copy of the text. What options do you have? (Choose two answers for a total of 2 points.) Order the e-book. Use print on demand Purchase the

book through the bookstore. You have no other option but to purchase the e-book. Question 14. Question : Course Resources has several resources available. Which of the

following are available under Course Resrouces? APA resources Assignment information Dropbox information Turnitin information All of the above Question 15. Question :

You or family members of yours are having some issues that you would like to discuss with a professional, but you do not have the financial resources to do so. Who can

you contact 24/7 for help? Advisor ASPIRE Course Resources Smarthinking Question 16. Question : You purchased a computer but you have discovered that it does not have

Microsoft Word. You realize that you need this program to complete your written assignments for Chamberlain. Where can you get one free download of Microsoft Office?

ASPIRE Course Resources Smarthinking The student software store Turnitin Question 17. Question : You are preparing your discussion board question and you want to

support it with scholarly information from a journal article. You access the Chamberlain Library but are not sure what to do next. You could _____. choose a database

from those available first contact the librarian Google it use Smarthinking Question 18. Question : You are not familiar with Dropbox or Turnitin. Where can you find

instructions on these within the course? Assignments Discussion board Course Resources Gradebook Question 19. Question : Did you watch the MSN NSO? Yes No Question 20.

Question : You have a question about APA format for your assignment. Which resources can help you with more information? The APA website Course Resources files The

Purdue OWL website Smarthinking All of the above Question 21. Question : You responded to the discussion forum question by Wednesday. According to the discussion board

grading criteria, your response to the question would be considered on time. True False Question 22. Question : You have a question about an assignment or instructor

feedback. Who should you contact first? Advisor ASPIRE Course instructor Smarthinking Week 2 NR500 Scholarly Communication Assessment 1. Question : Which of the

following would be the reference format with doi for this article by Leeman & Sandelwoski (2012)? (Hint: You will need to locate this article in the Chamberlain

Library). Authors: Jennifer Leeman, DrPH, MDiv; Margarete Sandelwoski, PhD., RN, FANN Title of article: Practice-Based Evidence and Qualitative Inquiry Journal:

Journal of Nursing Scholarship Year of Publication: 2012, Volume 44, Issue 2, pp. 171–179 Leeman, J., & Sandelwoski, M. (2012). Practice-based evidence and qualitative

inquiry. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(2), 171–179. HTTP://doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01449.x Leeman, J., & Sandelwoski, M. (2012). Practice-based evidence and

qualitative inquiry. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(2), 171–179. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01449 Sandelwoski, M. & Leeman, J. (2012). Practice-based evidence

and qualitative inquiry. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(2), 171–179. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01449.x Instructor Explanation: APA manual, p. 199 or Guidelines

for Writing Professional Papers, or APA tutorial slide 21. Question 2. Question : In the above-referenced article, on page 175, the authors state that qualitative

research can be used similarly to identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies. Which of the citations are formatted ly for quoted material? Choose two.

Leeman and Sandelwoski (2012) suggest that “Qualitative research can be used similarly to identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies” (p. 175). Leeman

and Sandelwoski suggest that “Qualitative research can be used similarly to identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies” (p. 175). “Qualitative research

can be used similarly to identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies” (Leeman & Sandelwoski, 2012, p. 175). Instructor Explanation: APA manual 6th ed p.

171 or Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers. Question 3. Question : Which of the following references is for this article from the NIH website (www.nih.gov)?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (2014). Finding and

evaluating online resources on complementary health approaches. (NCCAM Publication No: D337). Retrieved from http://nccam.nih.gov/health/webresources. National

Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (2014). Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary health

approaches. (NCCAM Publication No: D337). Retrieved from http://nccam.nih.gov/health/webresources Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary health

approaches. (NCCAM Publication No: D337). (2014). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and

Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Question 4. Question : A secondary source is when you paraphrase material found in another article and you cannot access the original

article. A primary source is from the original article. True (APA manual p. 178 ) False Question 5. Question : Which of the following would be the format for the

running head on the title page of scholarly work? GRADUATE LEVEL QSEN COMPETENCIES RUNNING HEAD: graduate-level QSEN Competencies Running head: GRADUATE-LEVEL QSEN

COMPETENCIES Instructor Explanation: APA tutorial or Sample APA paper. Question 6. Question : Which of the following would be the format for the running head on pages

2–5 of scholarly work? GRADUATE-LEVEL QSEN COMPETENCIES RUNNING HEAD: graduate-level QSEN Competencies Running head: GRADUATE-LEVEL QSEN COMPETENCIES Instructor

Explanation: APA tutorial or Sample APA paper. Question 7. Question : When responding in the discussion board threads, professionals will support their opinion or

posts with a scholarly source. Which of the following would be considered a scholarly source? Wikipedia The course lesson material WebMD.com CDC.gov Instructor

Explanation: The instructor’s lecture notes: What is a Scholarly Source Question 8. Question : In a scholarly paper, a Level 1 heading would be boldfaced type,

uppercase and lowercase lettering, as well as centered on the page. True (APA tutorial or Sample APA Paper.) False Question 9. Question : The first time you include an

in-text citation for the following article, “A dynamic analysis of the interplay between asynchronous and synchronous communication in online learning: The impact of

motivation” by B. Giesbers, B. Rienties, D. Templeaar, and W. Gijselaers published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning in 2014, what would be the format?

(Giesbers et al., 2014) Giesbers, et al. (2014) (Giesbers, Rienties, Templeaar, & Gijselaers, 2014) (Giesbers, Gijselaers, Rienties, & Templeaar, 2014) (Giebers, ….

Gijselaers, 2014) Question 10. Question : Which of the following options would be the format for a full reference? College: Chamberlain College of Nursing Class: NR500

Foundational Concepts and Applications Year: 2014 Lesson: Week 1: Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2012).

NR500 Foundational Concepts & Applications: Week 1 lesson. St. Louis, MO: online publication. Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2014). NR500 Week 1: Strategies for

success in the online learning environment [online lesson]. Downer’s Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group Week One (2014). Strategies for success in the online learning

environment. Downer’s Grove, IL: Chamberlain College of Nursing (2014). NR 500 Week 1: Strategies for success in the online learning environment [online lesson].

Downer’s Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group Question 11. Question : Which of the following would be the appropriate in-text citation for: College: Chamberlain College of

Nursing Class: NR 500 Foundational Concepts and Applications Year: 2015 Lesson: Week One: Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment Choose 2 answers.

(2015) Chamberlain College of Nursing (2015) (CCN, 2012) (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2015) Question 12. Question : Choose the reference for the following chapter

in a textbook. Dunphy, L. (2010). Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. In M. E. Parker, & M. C. Smith (Eds.), Nursing theories and nursing

practice. (pp. 35–53). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company Dunphy, L. (2010). Florence nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. In Parker, M.E. & Smith,

M.C. (Eds.) Nursing theories and nursing practice. (3rd ed.). (pp. 35–53) Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company Parker, M.E. & Smith, M.C.(Eds) . (2010) Nursing

theories and nursing practice. (3rd ed.). Florence nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application by Dunphy, L. (pp. 35–53) Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company

Question 13. Question : Go to http://www.apastyle.org. How would you write a citation and a reference for an article found on a website or webpage with no author?

Confirmed Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Case in Indiana. Year: 2014 Web address: http://bt.cdc.gov/HAN/HAN00361.asp (2014) Confirmed Middle

East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. (MERS-CoV) Case in Indiana. Retrieved date , from http://bt.cdc.gov/HAN/HAN00361.asp CDC.gov. (2014). Confirmed Middle East

Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.(MERS-CoV) Case in Indiana. (2014). Retrieved date , from http://bt.cdc.gov/HAN/HAN00361.asp Confirmed Middle East Respiratory

Syndrome Coronavirus. (MERS-CoV) Case in Indiana. (2014). Retrieved from http://bt.cdc.gov/HAN/HAN00361.asp ANSWER Question 14. Question : The in-text citation for

Confirmed Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus(MERS-CoV) Case in Indiana. Year: 2014 Web address: http://bt.cdc.gov/HAN/HAN00361.asp would be which of the

following? (2014) (CDC. gov, 2014) (“Confirmed Middle East Respiratory Syndrome”, 2014). Question 15. Question : If I were to write a reference for citing myself from

an unpublished manuscript that I authored, which of the following would be the format? S. Waltz. (2013). Scholarly writing. Unpublished manuscript, NR 700. Chamberlain

College of Nursing, USA Waltz, S. (2013). Scholarly writing. Unpublished manuscript, NR 700, Chamberlain College of Nursing, USA. Dr. Susan Waltz. (2013). Scholarly

writing. Chamberlain College of Nursing Waltz, S. (n.d.) Scholarly Writing. an Unpublished manuscript. NR 700. CCN Online. Question 16. Question : You are citing two

different articles by the same author. You would cite the first article in the reference list in the following manner. Monheit, D. (2011a). Evaluating Health

Information Web Sites for Credibility. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 11(1), 39-44. Monheit, D. (2011b). Evaluating Health Information Web Sites. Journal of

Hospital Librarianship, 11(1), 39–44. If you were citing the 2011b article in your work, which of the following would be the format? Monheit, D. (2011) Monheit.

(2011a) Monheit (2011b) Monheit, D. (2011b) Question 17. Question : In a scholarly paper, a Level 2 heading would be in all capitalized letters, indented 5 spaces, and

use uppercase lettering as well as lower case lettering. True False Question 18. Question : Did you watch the APA Tutorial Video? True False Question 19. Question :

The article “Factors Influencing Advanced Practice Nurses’ Ability to Promote Evidence-Based Practice among Frontline Nurses,” published in 2012, has the following

authors: Kate Gerrish, Mike Nolan, Ann McDonnell, Angela Tod, Marilyn Kirshbaum, and Louise Guillaume. Select the format for the citation that would appear on the

second or third time that this is used in the text. (Guillaum et al, 2012) (Gerrish et al., 2012) Gerrish, Nolan, McDonnell, Todd, Kirschbaum, & Guillaum (2012)

Gerrish….. et al. (2012) McDonnell et al., (2012) Question 20. Question : When citing the author of a chapter in a book in the text of your paper, which of the

following would be ly formatted? Dunphy, L. (2010). Florence Nightingale;s legacy of caring and its application. In M. E.Parker, & M. C.Smith, (Eds.) Nursing theories

and nursing practice. (3rd ed., pp. 35–53) Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company Dunphy, L. (2010). Florence nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. In

Parker, M.E. & Smith, M.C. (Eds.) Nursing theories and nursing practice. (3rd ed.). (pp. 35–53) Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company Parker, M.E. & Smith, M.C.(Eds) .

(2010) Nursing theories and nursing practice. (3rd ed.). Florence nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application by Dunphy, L. (pp. 35–53) Philadelphia, PA: F.A.

Davis Company Dunphy (2010) Parker & Smith (2010) Question 21. Question : When including page numbers on your written work, where should the number appear? Centered at

the bottom of the page Right hand corner at bottom of the page Left hand corner at bottom of the page Right hand corner at top of page Left hand corner at top of page

Question 22. Question : As you are writing a paper in APA 6th ed. format, you are uncertain about some of the formatting and use of citations, quotation marks, tables,

appendices, and so forth. Where can you find more information to help answer your question? The CCN Librarian APA Resources in Course Resources. American Psychological

Writing Style under Webliography Purdue OWL under Webliography Writing Source under Student Resources All of the above. Question 23. Question : You found a great

newspaper article that has no author listed but you want to include the citation and reference in your paper. The reference is: The effect of lateral violence in

healthcare. (2016, January 13). American Newsletter. Retrieved from http://www.americannewsletter.com/healthcare/local/34bvd.html Which citation would be for this

reference? (American Newsletter, 2016) (“The effects of lateral,” 2016) Healthcare (2016) Week 4 Evaluating a Website for Credibility Exercise Purpose This exercise is

intended to help you identify and evaluate a website for credibility so you will be able to identify scholarly websites that can be used for patient and professional

resources. (This assignment is ungraded but will help you have a clear understanding of a credible website.) Course Outcomes Through this exercise, the student will

demonstrate the ability to: (CO#1) Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge.

(PO 3) (CO #4) Analyze data from relevant sources to inform the delivery of care. (PO 4) Directions: Review the lesson on Evaluation of a Website and view the tutorial

by the National Library of Medicine on evaluating website credibility. Using these five criteria, examine the following websites to determine whether the website is

considered as credible for use in patient and/or professional resources. You may e-mail this worksheet to your instructor for review. 1. Authority 2. Information 3.

Objectivity 4. Ease of Navigation 5. Privacy and Security Policies Websites to evaluate: • American Association of Critical Care Nurses www.aacn.org • American Society

of Perianesthesia Nurses www.aspan.org • The National Kidney Foundation www.kidney.org • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov • The Mayo

Clinic www.mayoclinic.org • Help Guide www.helpguide.org • www.familydoctor.org • The Joint Commission www.jointcommission.org • www.healthypeople.gov • www.webmd.com

As you evaluate these websites using the five criteria, think about what would make this website a credible or non-credible source for use with patients and/or

professionals. What do the letters HON stand for? And what does it indicate on a website? Week 6 SL Scavenger Hunt Assignment Student Name Instructions: 1. As you

complete the VLE (Second Life) Scavenger Hunt, please write your answers to the questions on this worksheet. 2. Save it as a MS Word document in the following format:

YourName_NR500_ScavengerHunt 3. Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in your course page by the end on Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT. 4. Remember if you need

assistance when you are in Second Life, please contact the Support Specialist in-world or email vle@whitemouseproductions.com STATION 1 — Points Possible = 10 You are

nursing educator at the Hospital Administration Building, there have been repeated incidents of lateral violence. You have been asked to provide scholarly evidence to

support a policy document. Go to the information database in the Administration Library and search for this article: The Bully Within and Without: Strategies to

Address Horizontal Violence in Nursing. To support your evidence-based practice, you must cite the article in proper APA format. Be sure to include the doi number.

STATION 2 – Points Possible = 10 Attend the meeting in the Conference Room. Locate the Nursing Administrator. Click on her and write down the quote that the

Administrator tells you about nursing leadership. STATION 3 – Points Possible = 15 Find the open patient room in the hospital ward and list out at least 3 of the

patient safety violations. STATION 4 – Points Possible = 15 Locate the Classroom. Find the article written on the blackboard and click on it. Write down the statistics

for the ethnicity characteristics of the study’s participants from Table 1 including the n number. Then add a citation to the article in proper APA format APA

Citation: STATION 5 – Points Possible = 10 Go to City Hall. Find the US Senator’s Office. Click on the Senator to get the link to the list of current United States

Senators. Locate your state and write down the names of the two senators that represent your state. STATION 6 – Points Possible = 5 Go to Urgent Care Clinic building

and find the Electronic Health Record for the patient that is being seen. Write down the patient’s name. STATION 7 – Points Possible = 10 Go to the Social Services

Building and into the reception area. Find the directory listing for the offices in the building. Locate the Hmong language Interpreter and write down their name.

STATION 8 – Points Possible = 15 Acting as the town’s Visiting Public Nurse, go to the poor area of town, locate two homeless men and then list out two recommendations

that you would give them to improve their overall health. You will need to support each recommendation with scholarly peer-reviewed support in proper APA format. Do

not state you would give them a phone number or address of resources. Put some thought into your response. Remember these two homeless men do not have money, phones,

or health insurance. STATION 9 – Points Possible = 10 Visit the Forensics Lab – Find the microscope, get close to it so it is easily visible, then take a photograph of

it. Choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown bar choose 320 x 240 and then click

SAVE. You will lose points if the picture is not in the 320 X 240 size. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to easily locate it. Copy and paste your photo

in the box on the next page. If the picture is too large or small or you are too far away from the microscope, you will lose points. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 STATION 9 –

TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE = 100 Remember to: Save these worksheet as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR500_ScavengerHunt Place it in the Scavenger

Hunt folder in your course page by the end on Week 6 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT. Week 5 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Assignment – Searchable

Clinical Questions Form STUDENT NAME: DATE: DIRECTIONS: Please read the Evidence-Based Practice Guideline-Searchable Clinical Questions Form Guidelines and Rubric

located in Course Resources, for instructions on how to complete this form. You may add more rows to each table to fit your search. 1. CLINICAL QUESTION: Select a

health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question, using the PICO (T) format. Please type the question here: 2. Identify the

PICO (T) Terms: 3. SEARCH: PUBMED/MEDLINE Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubmed.gov and conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the

table below: Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 4. SEARCH: EBSCO/CINAHL Go to the Chamberlain Library at http://www.chamberlain.edu/library and enter EBSCO.

Conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below: Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes 5. SEARCH: THE JOANNA BRIGGS

INSTITUTE Go to The Joanna Briggs Institute via the CCN Library. Conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below: Search

Number P I C O T # of Results Notes Week 7 Master’s-Prepared Role Electronic Presentation Guidelines with Scoring Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to:

a) demonstrate how the skills outlined in the AACN Essentials are applicable to the role of a master’s–prepared nurse (CO #5, #6) and b) present ideas in a clear,

succinct, and scholarly manner (CO #1). Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: (CO#1) Demonstrate effective verbal,

written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge. (PO 3) (CO#5) Analyze the American Association of Colleges of

Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing [AACN Essentials]. (PO 1) (CO#6) Assess the roles of the master’s-prepared nurse. (PO 1) Due Date: Sunday

11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 7. Total Points Possible: 215 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Discuss the MSN specialty track (educator, executive, informatics, health policy,

FNP) that you have selected. 2. Demonstrate how the skills outlined in the nine (9) AACN Essentials are applicable to your selected master’s-prepared specialization.

3. Identify three ways that a master’s-prepared nurse in your specialty would use the AACN Essentials skills in nursing practice. 4. Provide empirical evidence to

support the three (3) ways a master’s-prepared nurse would use the AACN Essentials in practice. A minimum of two (2) current scholarly articles are required in this

section of the presentation. 5. Concluding statements summarize content. 6. 15-slide presentation with speaker notes in APA format, not counting title and reference

slides. PREPARING THE PAPER 1. This is a PowerPoint presentation. 2. Review the Creating a Professional Presentation located in Course Resources/Miscellaneous

Resources. 3. This presentation is to focus on the specific role you have chosen in the MSN program (e.g., educator, executive, informatics, health policy, FNP) and

identify the AACN Essentials that are applicable to your specific role. Category Points % Description Content 34 16% Clearly describe the master’s-prepared role

selected. Content 34 16% Discuss the AACN Essentials directly related to the selected role. Content 34 16% Discuss three ways a master’s-prepared nurse would use the

AACN Essentials in practice. Content 34 16% Content of presentation is accurate. Content 34 16% Concluding statements are present. Format & Grammar 9 4% Slides,

speaker notes, and references are consistent with 6th edition APA format. Format & Grammar 9 4% Presentation slides are professional in appearance and tone. Balance

among space, words/graphics, and color is effective. Format & Grammar 9 4% Grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work.

Format & Grammar 9 4% Presentation has 15 slides, not including title and reference slides. Format & Grammar 9 4% Speaker notes contain presentation content without

repeating slides. Total 215 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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