Procedures for Addressing the Commission;
Any person who wishes to speak regarding an item on the agenda or
on a subject within the Planning Commission’s jurisdiction during the
Michael Ebenhoch “Oral Communications” portion of the agenda should fill out a
Speaker Request Form” and give it to the Commission Secretary
chawman BEFORE that portion of the agenda is called. Testimony for Public
Hearings will only be taken at the time of the hearing. Any person who
Chl’i5tlne Schaefef wishes to speak on a Public Hearing item should fill out a “Speaker
Vice Chair Request Form” and give it to the Commission Secretary BEFORE the
item is called.
Dana Hill
commissioner The Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To
allow all persons the opportunity to speak, please keep your remarks
Frank Perez brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply
commissioner indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a
spokesperson may present the views of an entire group. To
encourage all views, the Commission discourages clapping, booing or
Th°ma5 S°’°m°”5°” shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience.
Special Accommodations
Vic -I-Omazic In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need
commissioner special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the
City Clerk’s Office at (714) 993-8231. Notification 48 hours prior to the
meeting will generally enable City staff to make reasonable
arrangements to ensure accessibility.
(28 CFR ADA Title II)
Copies of all agenda materials are available for public review in the Office
of the City Clerk, City Planning Division Counter, Placentia Library
Reference Desk and the internet at under the Planning
Commission page. Persons who have questions concerning any agenda
city of Placenfia item may call the City Planning Division at (714) 993-8124 to make inquiry
401 E Chapman Avenue concerning the nature of the item described on the agenda.
Placenta’ CA 92870 In compliance California Government Code Section 54957.5, any
writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning
P110095 (714) 993’3124 Commission regarding any item on this agenda that are not exempt
Fax: (714) 96143233 from disclosure under the Public Records Act will be made available
Website: for public inspection at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 401 East
Chapman Avenue, Placentia, during normal business hours.
Study Sessions are open to the public and held in the City Council
Chambers or City Hall Community Room.
Planning Commission Page 1 of 3.
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