Proponents and opponents of corn-based ethanol
How do proponents and opponents of corn-based ethanol communicate the benefits and detriments of this legally mandated gasoline additive
The paper should begin with an executive summary that should be about a half page in length.
Please also include a brief introduction that states the purpose, thesis and goals.
Please include a Conclusion.
Below are the grading criteria, kindly use it to construct this paper.
1. Have you consistently utilized proper grammar, spelling and vocabulary?
2. Have you organized ideas in a clear and logical pattern that tests your thesis and leads to findings and conclusions?
3. Is your style and use of source citations consistent and based on some style manual such as the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association?
4. Have you consulted primary and secondary sources that are pertinent to your topic and enable you to examine the relevant public policy issues in depth?
5. Have you utilized electronic sources to access archives, data bases, bibliographies and other pertinent sources of information?
6. Have you demonstrated graduate-level research competence by examining a spectrum of significant sources to determine balance, bias and accuracy?
7. Have you demonstrated a proficient knowledge of the technological and scientific aspects of the topic?
8. Did you focused on environmental communication or reporting?
9. Have you provided a half-page executive summary or abstract that details your chief findings and conclusions?
10. Have you stated your purpose, thesis and goals in a brief introduction?
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