
Provide precedents / literature Underpin your chosen participatory method and explain why it is relevant in the context of the matter / issue at stake.

50% of the overall grade of the module is dedicated to your individual 1,500-word essay excluding bibliography.
The essay should provide a critical account focusing on your own reflection of the value that participation in providing the Urban Room opportunities to stimulate active citizenship and include the voices of citizens in the life of the city. This is an opportunity to return to the Farrell Review as a starting point.
Drawing from a range of precedents and embedding theoretical concepts and approaches introduced in the first phase of the module, you are expected to consider the wider advantages and disadvantages of taking a participatory approach (such as time, complexity, organisational challenges, etc.) and then articulate basic principles would best fit your ‘ideal’ participatory process for the future Urban Room in Newcastle.
The structure of the essay should include:
• (Approx. 200) Introduction / Context Briefly describe the matter / issue addressed and the participants you planned to engage with (present and desired).
• (Approx. 400) Provide precedents / literature Underpin your chosen participatory method and explain why it is relevant in the context of the matter / issue at stake.
• (Approx. 400) Reflect on benefits and shortfalls that you anticipate from your proposed participatory process (method, groups, planning, etc). What do you think could go wrong? What challenges do you anticipate? Whose voice might be missing / not heard? Would you be ready for antagonistic position? Expand on other possible methods that could be complementary to that you have proposed in the pilot study.
• (Approx. 300) Drawing from the Farrell Review, outline key points (based on your reading and engagement with your City Actor) that you believe should be taken forward for a forthcoming urban room in Newcastle.
• (Approx. 100) Conclusion Phase 3: Assessment Criteria You will be assessed on your ability to: 1 / Ability to source relevant literature and precedents that underpins the choice of the participatory method deployed. 2 / Ability to critically reflect on the participatory process proposed 3/ Ability to propose guiding principles for a future centre for civic action. 4/ Ability to communicate your ideas with use of English and referencing Harvard system.

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