
psychoanalytic theory

psychoanalytic theory

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please respond to the following:

According to Deal (2007), in her discussion of the activation of the Freudian ego defense mechanisms, individuals experience anxiety as a result of conflict between their drives and the ego and superego. There are several defense mechanisms in addition to the ones she describes. Please think about some defense mechanisms (see the additional resources in the overview page & do some of your own research) and identify & describe at least four. Are these defense mechanisms always-negative ways of coping? Please provide examples of when you or someone you know (or know of) has used these defense mechanisms. Did the defense mechanism make the problem better or worse?
Think critically about the concept of ego-defense. Explain how defense mechanisms work to protect an individual from psychological or psychosocial harm. Do you suppose defense mechanisms are somewhat evolutionary, as Jung might suggest?
Include at least one scholarly* reference. References and in-text citations are to be done in correct APA 6th edition style
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