
Psychological egoism Research Paper

Psychological egoism Research Paper

InstructionsFor this assignment you will compose a well-written and thoughtful essay of 2-3 pages in length. Select and answer one of the questions provided below as your prompt.Format & ExpectationsBe sure you have a clear claim, that you take a position you want to defend using at least three well-supported reasons embodying logic, reason, and research. Give possible objections to your arguments, answer these objections and then draw your conclusion. Here is a resource to help you think about how to write an argument essay. This style of essay will reappear in many of your future courses in every major.Essays should include internal citations and a Works Cited page following MLA Style.SubmissionSubmit your essay as a Word document attachment within the Assignments area. BE SURE your name is included in the file name (i.e. Broyles_Phil 200-Essay 2.doc). Your essay file should be .doc, .docx, or .rtfQuestions:Answer one of the questions below in a well-written, thoughtful, and supported essay that engages your course material, real-life or concrete examples and illustrations: Agree or disagree with the statement, the only proper context for sex given its nature is as part of a committed personal relation.Agree or disagree with the statement, there is no objective right and wrong because people never agree about what is right and wrong.Psychological egoism is the view that all persons, without exception, seek their own self-interest. Argue for or against.

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