
Public Health: Philosophy, Principles and Practice

Public Health: Philosophy, Principles and Practice

An essay about:
Australian Public Health Issue and Response


General areas needed:

– Public health: Australian Public Health Issue and Response (Please show your understanding).
– Word count: 2000 – 2200 words maximum (excluding in & end text reference).
– Text book: use as recommended (Fran Baum) The New Public Health 3rd edition.
Baum, F. (2008). The new public health (3rd ed.). South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.

– Marks: 100. It is really high since this is a major assignment, so please make your work clear enough without any repetitions and try to be very specific (concise) as well as precise to the point.
– Please use Australian spelling.
– (correct) APA style 12 point font, double spacing, first line indent for paragraphs
– (correct) APA style for {in text and end text referencing} Please make sure to include the page numbers for all sources (in & end text references).
One (1) reference per 100 words) you need about 22 – 27 sources minimum.


Please follow the APA assessment format. This includes double spacing, indenting paragraphs, Times New Roman font 12 also first line indent for paragraphs and correct formatting and ordering of reference list (alphabetical order of first author and hanging indents).


– The assessment should include an overall introduction and series of well-constructed paragraphs in the body of your essay and conclusion. Headings and Sub-headings are NOT ACCEPTED sine you need to link each question with the rest to ensure the logic flow.

– Please note, NO NEED FOR ANY tables or graphs.

– Questions must be answered in order. Complete the assessment using topic paragraphs,
ensuring good logical flow throughout.

– Supporting your work with references
You are expected to support your work throughout with appropriately cited academic material
(referenced evidence). Sources of this evidence include recent text books on public health (5 years or less especially for data or statistics / facts which it is not ok to have out of date ones) or a related subject, peer reviewed journals and reliable public health websites.
A minimum of (20) sources is required and please consider to be in Australia.

– Do not rewrite or paraphrase large sections of any article or long descriptive lists.

– Find further reliable and academic material to reference in your work in order to support your answers.

– Answer all the (4) questions (address all parts of individual questions) in sections while you are writing.

– You need to link all the (4) questions (sections/points) together.


This assignment requires you to complete an essay on the issue of public health responses to sexually transmitted infections in the Australian population. Your work must be written in essay format, and must address the four (4) points outlined below within the structure of the essay. Use the marking rubric to guide your work as below in the last 2 pages of this file. Also refer to the Master’s Level Marking Guide (see below) for expected levels of work and corresponding grades.

In this assignment you will demonstrate achievement of the following Learning Outcomes:

1- Demonstrate an understanding of the wide range of factors that need to be considered in thinking about the possible “causes” of specific health outcomes.
2- Describe in detail the nature of public health information, including public health surveillance and other epidemiological methods.
3- Demonstrate the nature and importance to human health of communicable diseases.
3- Discuss in detail selected recent developments in public health nationally.

Task (questions as the (4) points below):

Topic: Australian Population health: Sexual health
Critically analyse public health responses to the issue of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the Australian population. Your essay must include a discussion on recent trends and patterns in the incidence and prevalence of STIs, and a detailed analysis of public health responses to STIs.

Please take particular notice of the instructions in italics as below;

•    Demonstrate the ability to analyse, interpret and explain relevant, recent and reliable health data (point 1).
•    Refer to public health theory on the determinants of health (point 2).
•    Refer to contemporary public health principles (point 3).
•    Evaluate a public health initiative with reference to the Ottawa Charter (point 4).

Your essay must address the following (4) points:

Point (1). Explain relevant population health data which identifies recent trends and patterns in four (4) commonly occurring sexually transmitted infections in the Australian population. Demonstrate an ability to analyse, interpret and explain relevant, recent and reliable health data.
Key concepts:
•    Research, evaluate and select sources of relevant data.
•    Present, analyse, interpret and explain data.
(Maximum 15 marks)

Point (2). Discuss variations in the incidence and prevalence of two (2) of these sexually transmitted infections across different Australian population groups, and the contributory factors influencing these variations. Refer to public health theory on the determinants of health within your answer. (Maximum 15 marks)
Key concepts:
•    Compare and contrast data relating to 2 STIs.
•    Explain similarities and differences drawing on public health theory on the determinants of health.

Point (3). Choose one (1) of the two sexually transmitted infections discussed
in Point 2. Discuss how the Government’s National Strategy proposes to reduce this disease in the Australian population. Discuss the proposed actions with reference to contemporary public health principles. (Maximum 25 marks)
Key concepts:
•    Consider the actions proposed in the relevant national strategy in relation to contemporary public health principles.

For better understanding I got this for you
Five national strategies
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council endorsed five new national strategies for blood borne viruses (BBV) and sexually transmissible infections (STI) in June 2014.
The five strategies are:
•    The Second National Hepatitis B Strategy 2014-2017
•    The Third National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2014-2017
•    The Fourth National Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Strategy 2014-2017
•    The Fourth National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2014-2017
•    The Seventh National HIV Strategy 2014-2017
Source: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/ohp-national-strategies-2010

Point (4). Choose one (1) recent sexually transmitted infection health promotion initiative which targets a particular population group (such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Aboriginal people, teenagers, rural and remote communities, sex workers etc.). Outline and critique the main objectives and proposed actions of this initiative. Support your critique with reference to the Ottawa Charter. Discuss the potential strengths and limitations of this initiative for this specific population group in terms of its alignment with the main features of the Ottawa Charter. (Maximum 35 marks)
Key concepts:
•    Describe one specific health promotion initiative.
•    Evaluate the strengths and limitations of this initiative in relation to the Ottawa Charter.

For better understanding I got this for you
Ottawa Charter

1- Advocate (what)
2- Enable (who)
3- Mediate (who / what)

The Ottawa Charter identifies health promotion priority action areas as:
•    Build healthy public policy.
•    Create supportive environments.
•    Strengthen community actions.
•    Develop personal skills.
•    Reorient health services.
•    Moving into the future.

Source: http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/index1.html

Academic writing and referencing (10 marks)

10 marks will be awarded for academic writing style and correct referencing in this assessment. This includes essay format, grammar, structure and referencing (see marking rubric for details).

It is expected that you will refer to sufficient academic sources within in your essay (approximate guide: one (1) reference per 100 words)


Unit content relevant to this assessment (Unit material which includes):

• Determinants of health.
• Public health information.
• Aspects of public health in Australia.
• New challenges for public health / contemporary public health.
• Organisation of public health services.

Marking Rubric

Relevance of answer to assignment task (is the point addressed fully?)

Discussion is consistently supported by cited evidence from relevant, recent and reliable sources

Demonstration of the ability to relate and apply the discussion to health and public health concepts, theories or approaches

Evidence of ability to interpret and explain population health data/ information
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Point 4
Logical layout: essay format used, including introduction, conclusion and subject paragraphs.
Presentation: including grammar, spelling and style.

In text and end text referencing.

Master’s Level Marking Guide

Marking rubric Criterion/ level achieved     Fail (N)     Pass (P)     Credit (CR)     Distinction (D)     High Distinction (HD)

Relevance of answer to assignment task (are the questions answered fully?)
The questions are inadequately answered. An insufficient amount of relevant information is included.
The questions are sufficiently answered with a satisfactory inclusion of relevant information.
The majority of information included is relevant, but the questions are not fully answered.
The questions are fully answered. The majority of the information is relevant to the topic.
The questions are fully answered with all the information relevant to the topic.

All answers are supported by cited evidence from relevant, recent and reliable sources
Work is insufficiently supported by relevant cited sources
Satisfactory inclusion of cited material, however some of which is dated or of questionable reliability/relevance/ some inappropriate use of referenced work.
Satisfactory inclusion of relevant cited material within the work
Wide sourcing of relevant cited material within the majority of the work
Underpins all work with relevant cited material throughout

Demonstration of the ability to relate and apply the discussion to health and public health concepts, theories or approaches

Insufficient relation/application shown
Limited relation/application, with some areas of confusion and errors
Demonstrates satisfactory relation/ application
Demonstrates a good level of relation/application
Demonstrates an excellent and consistent relation/application

Evidence of ability to interpret and explain population health data/ information

Work is limited to description
Work is mainly descriptive with little critical analysis attempted
Satisfactory evidence critical analysis
Good level of critical analysis
Excellent and consistent
level of interpretation or explanation throughout

Logical flow:
essay format used,
including introduction and conclusion and subject paragraphs.     High amount of disjointed work (problems with logical flow)     Moderate levels of disjointed work (problems with logical flow)     Work shows satisfactory structure and logical flow overall     Good structure and logical flow to the majority of the work     Excellent structure and logical flow throughout

Presentation: including formatting, grammar, spelling and style
High number of errors which severely impact on the readability/comprehensibility of the work in places
Moderate to high number of errors which impact on the readability/comprehensibility of the work in places
Moderate number of errors
Minimal number of errors in presentation
No minor errors in presentation

In text and end text referencing
APA referencing style poorly demonstrated throughout
High number of errors
Moderate number of errors
Minimal errors
No errors

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