
qnt 561 week 3 East Mercy Hospital

qnt 561 week 3 East Mercy Hospital

To wasody sending you what I have for week 3 as Sampling collection that is not required . The two variable for week two belongs to another case WILSON CORP case

Analysis of Data


Initially for this project a budget was stablished, the total amount was to be a maximum of $400,000 threshold. Based on the information collected and tallied in average number of hospital beds used in a day for each ward, a more clear view can be seen for the possible habilitation on each ward. Among the information collected the standard deviation was provided and cost for habilitating each ward, also a limit of capacity has been stablished not to exceed a 5% of the wards capacity. It can be observed that the average number of beds for Obstetrics, Surgery and Pediatrics are 24, 13, and 19 while each ward standard deviation to be 6.1, 4.3, and 4.7 respectively. Using the present capacity for each ward, 30 Obstetric, 20 Surgery and 24 Pediatrics it can be stablished that augmenting the wards by their deviation amounts it would optimize the ward to capacity while complying without overstocking it. In terms of cost for the presented budget it can be calculated by the cost estimated to habilitate each ward which is $20,000 for Obstetric, $26,000 for Surgery, and $15,000 for Pediatrics. Using the amounts to be habilitated and applying cost each ward would consume a total of $306,650, this can be maximized by augmenting the number of beds to be used in surgery by 3 which would end up with a final cost of $376,850.


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