Quantitative Research Article Analysis
Review the Guidelines for Qualitative Nursing Research Critique and the Quantitative Research Article Analysis Worksheet.
Read a recent article on quantitative design methods. This should be a SINGLE PUBLISHED STUDY. (Do not use a systematic review or one that uses mixed methods). The article must be from a peer-reviewed nursing or health care journal published within the last 3 to 5 year
Complete the Quantitative Article Analysis Worksheet using complete and concise sentences. Include 3 scholarly references–the article, the text, and one outside source.
The critique is your analysis of what the authors reported; it is not a restatement of what they said.
Complete the following tasks before submitting the assignment:
• Submit your worksheet to the Plagiarism Checker
All files are Attached for this assignment.
Quantitative Article Analysis Worksheet
Analyze and critique a quantitative nursing research article from a nursing research journal published within the past 3 to 5 years. Include 3 scholarly references—the article, the text, and one outside source. Use the Guidelines for Quantitative Nursing Research Critique to complete the following steps:
1. State the purpose of the study and identify the problem.
2. Analyze the literature review.
3. Analyze the study framework or theoretical perspective.
4. Identify, describe, and critique for appropriateness any research objectives, questions, or hypothesis.
5. Identify, describe, and critique—conceptually and operationally—the major study variables.
6. Identify and critique the attributes and demographic variables.
7. Describe and critique the research design.
8. Describe and critique the sample and setting.
9. Describe and critique the measurement instrument used in the study.
10. Describe and critique the procedures for data collection
11. Describe and critique the statistical analysis.
12. Describe and critique the researcher’s interpretation.
Assignment Grading Criteria
Quantitative Research Article Analysis
• Read a recent article that uses quantitative design methods. The article must be from a peer reviewed journal published within the last 3 to 5 years
• Complete the Quantitative Article Analysis Worksheet using complete and concise sentences.
Note. No more than 10% of this worksheet should be quoted. The critique is your analysis of what the authors reported; it is not a restatement of what they said.
• Complete the following tasks before submitting the assignment:
o Submit your worksheet to the Plagiarism Checker before submitting your assignment.
o Attach a copy of the article with the assignment.
• Submit your completed Quantitative Article Analysis Worksheet as instructed by your facilitator.
Note. Points are awarded based on the quality of the content submitted and the degree to which assignment expectations are met.
11 points possible Points possible Points earned
Describes the purpose of the study and identifies the problem 1
Analyzes the literature review and the study framework or theoretical perspective 1
Critiques the appropriateness of research objectives, questions, or hypothesis 1.5
Assesses the major study variables, both conceptually and operationally 2
Critiques the attributes and demographics, including the sample and setting 1
Analyzes the research design and critiques the measurement instrument used in the study 2
Describes the statistical analysis 1
Critiques the researcher’s interpretation 1.5
4 points possible Points possible Points earned
Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation 4
Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works
Contains the required word count
Cites the required number of sources
Total 15
Guidelines for Quantitative Nursing Research Critique
1. State the purpose of the study, and identify the problem.
2. Examine the literature review within your selected article. In your analysis, critique these sections:
a. Are articles relevant? Are the previous studies and theories described?
b. Are the references current? How many sources are from the last 10 years?
c. How many sources are from the last 5 years?
d. Describe the current knowledge—what is known and unknown—about the research problem.
3. Examine and critique the study framework or theoretical perspective. In your analysis, discuss the following:
a. Is the framework explicitly expressed, or must the reviewer extract the framework from implicit statements in the literature review?
b. Is the framework based on scientific, substantive, or tentative theory?
c. Does the framework identify, define, and describe relationships among the concepts of interest?
d. How is the framework related to the body of knowledge in nursing?
4. Identify, describe, and critique for appropriateness any research objectives, questions, or hypotheses. If there are none, suggest how those might be stated.
5. Identify, describe, and critique—conceptually and operationally—the major study variables. Examine the purpose, the objectives, questions, or hypotheses, as well as the results section of the research article. Identify and define each variable type as one of the following:
a. Independent variables
b. Dependent variables
c. Research variables
6. Identify and critique attributes and demographic variables.
7. Describe and critique the research design. Address the following criteria in the analysis:
a. Identify the specific design of the study.
b. Identify the treatment or intervention if appropriate for the type of study conducted.
c. How were subjects assigned to groups if groups were studied?
d. Were pilot-study findings used to design this study? If yes, briefly discuss the pilot and the changes made in this study based on the pilot.
8. Describe and critique the sample and setting. Include the following elements in your analysis:
a. Identify inclusion and exclusion sample criteria.
b. Indicate the method used to obtain the sample.
c. State the sample size. Indicate if a power analysis was conducted to determine the sample size. Identify the refusal to participate number and percentage.
d. Identify the characteristics of the sample.
e. Identify the sample mortality (or attrition) number and percentage.
f. Indicate the type of consent obtained and institutional review board approval.
g. Identify the study setting and indicate if it was appropriate for the study purpose.
9. Describe and critique the measurement instrument used in the study with the following guidelines:
a. Identify the type of each measurement strategy, such as the Likert scale, visual analog scale, physiological measure, questionnaire, observation, or interview.
b. Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio) achieved by each measurement strategy.
c. Discuss how the instrument was developed and its intended purpose.
d. Report the reliability of each instrument from previous studies and the current study.
e. Report the validity of each instrument from previous studies and the current study.
10. Describe and critique the procedures for data collection.
a. Identify the intervention protocol, if appropriate.
b. Detail how the data were collected.
11. Describe and critique the statistical analyses used.
a. List the statistical procedures used to describe the sample.
b. Was the level of significance or alpha identified? If so, indicate the level (.05, .01, or .001).
c. Complete the table below with the analysis techniques conducted in the study:
1) Identify the focus (description, relationships, or differences) of each analysis technique.
2) List the statistical procedures.
3) List the statistics.
4) Identify specific results.
5) Provide specific probability value (p =) in a table as shown next.
Purpose of analysis Statistical procedure Statistic Result Probability (p)
Difference between males and females on blood pressure t-test t 3.75 p = .04
Difference between treatment and comparison groups on weight loss Analysis of variance F 5.79 p = .009
Relationship of pain perception and anxiety for adolescents Pearson’s correlation r 0.56 p = .03
12. Describe and critique the researcher’s interpretation of findings.
a. What study limitations were identified by the researcher?
b. How did the researcher generalize the findings?
c. What were the implications of the findings for nursing?
d. What suggestions for further study were identified?
e. Is the description of the study sufficiently clear for replication?
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