
Radio Project;

Radio Project;

This assignment initially involves a 30 – 45’ segment of your day. It must be at least 30’.
Begin tuning into K-PAC (FM 88.3) and listening to the programs this fine station offers.
The Website for K-PAC is www.TPR.org

The project involves listening to a radio broadcast, and then embellishing on the work(s) that were heard. The student is strongly urged to tape record the broadcast segment, so that by repeated listening he/she will be familiar enough with the music to comment on. Try to catch a “top of the hour” segment of programming. The programmer will mention the composer and work with perhaps some brief introduction. *Check a source for clarification in spelling of names and titles. Be exact with foreign language terms – these are available in some form on the Internet, from the textbook on reserve or other sources.

Avoid the special narration programs (which are good, but not for this specific project [i.e., Bill McGlauphlin in Exploring Music, 12:00 week days]). Remember that if any specific information is given on the composer or composition, sources must be quoted. In special narration programs, the programmer is reading from prepared script. Take into account even Internet sources must be quoted. DO NOT go to program notes on the Internet and paraphrase.

This is not a history report on the either the work or the composer. Devote no more than one sentence on the composer’s background or the history of the work itself. Keep in mind, this is a listening exercise!
Please follow the Concert Report outline for specifics on the layout of the report. The report should be one page in length.
A cover page is REQUIRED which will include the date and exact time frame of the broadcast, composer’s name, title of work, etc. (See sample cover page.)

Include these ideas into the paper:
•    Brief background of the work, musical style or era/Genre of each work, structure or form of the work, (i.e., a movement from a symphony, an aria from an opera, etc.)
•    Include your dislikes/likes of the works you heard and why
•    Medium for which it was composed (this might include mention of an arrangement or special orchestration)

If you need some information or didn’t understand the composer’s name, call Texas Public Radio @ 614-8977. Please, however; do not ask the programmer to do your homework.

*Use these valuable websites as a guide to terminology/spelling in describing the music:

DO NOT MAKE UP A FICTITOUS REPORT!  This will constitute a “0” for the project.

aria:  Nessum Dorma from the opera Turandot
G. Puccini
Placido Domingo, Tenor soloist
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
James Levine, Conductor

West Side Story Suite
Conducted and composed by Leonard Bernstein
New York Philharmonic

Symphony #6 Pathetique
1st Movement (Allegro)
Peter I. Tchaikovsky
Cleveland Orchestra
George Szell, Conductor

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